Hanga - English
m pn 1 I M ki gaari zinni. I will not go today. 2 my M sunzopoga n na. She is my sister.
ma 1 pn me Ma n na. It is me. Da buura ma! Stop beating me!
ma 2 pl madima N mother M ma n na. She is my mother.
maa 1 maag /_[V] V 1 be wet M pimpinna maaya. My clothing is wet. M niŋa maa koom. My body is wet (because of) the water. 2 be cold or cool Koom maa maaya. The water is cold.
maa 3 conj introducing indirect speech O yeli ma maa, o ki we. He said to me that he would not go.
maagira impf. of maa 1 V-impf 1 cooling O maagirini dii maa. It is cooling the room. 2 wetting
maali V 1 do 2 make 3 repair 4 clean fish or fowl for cooking
maaligu N sacrifice an animal to a fetish or to God
maaligu maana N biblical priest
maam pl maama N friend of opposite sex
maana 2 impf. of maali V-impf making
maasa 3 N fried food made from grain
maasim N 1 dampness 2 shade 3 coolness
maasiri 2 pl maasa 2 N cake made from millet or guinea corn
mabiilim N 1 extended family 2 brotherhood
makpeema N mother's older sister