Hanga - English
saa kumina V noise of impending rain
saa nyegsiya V lightning flashed
saa tasigu N thunder Saa tasigu bi veela. Thunder is not good.
saali pl saala N charcoal piece
saalim N slimy sap in certain trees and leaves
saami 2 V mash, perhaps millet cakes
saana pl saamba N 1 stranger 2 visitor
saara pl saarasi N 1 person of same age O lee n ka saara. There is no other person of his age (in the village). 2 animal of same size
saasi 3 V give birth prematurely
saawuluŋu N custard apple tree & fruit Annona senegalensis
saazu N top of something or up high
sabi 1 V 1 stop (crying, fighting, quarrelling) 2 trip (someone) O sabi o nobiri. He caught his foot and tripped up. 3 cause to slip (by pouring oil)
sabi 2 V build framework of sticks for a shelter or to protect a sapling
sabtaa pl sabtaasi N 1 sandal 2 shoe
sagi V 1 agree 2 be satisfied 3 be appropriate 4 experience Ba wasi n gaa seema ba yaadima n daa n sagi. They grew in number more than their ancestors experienced.