Hanga - English
bonsuma sg bonsumini N groundnuts (peanuts) in the shell or not
bonsumini pl bonsuma N goundnut (peanut), in shell or not
boo V reduce the price Boo ma, ka m da. Reduce the price for me, and I will buy. O naagi maa zu booya. His cattle decreased in number. O booni daasi. He reduced the days
boobi pl boobisi N paralysed person
boobisi sg boobi N paralysed people
bool from English 'ball' N ball
booma N 1 stripes on an animal skin 2 pattern on a cloth
boosigu pl boosa N question Ma boosi u boosigu. I asked her a question.
*bora sg *borigu adj 1 special 2 important
borendiya pl borendiyasi N plantain - large banana which is usually cooked
*borigu pl *bora adj 1 special or important daborigu special day 2 very big zuborigudaana big head owner (lion) niimborigu very large bird