Hanga - English
badimacf-dimasgba2N1father's relatives2father's ancestors
bagiVbe messyBii maa noori ni o nyaari zaa bagi kobeeri.Both the child's mouth and chest are messy with porridge.
bagiliVuse a sieve to separate out large pieces, perhas gaari
bakwaidial. var. ofbokwai
bakpeemaNfather's older sibling
balainterroghow many people?
baliV1be different2be the wrong way round
baliguplbalisiN1typePeeri ŋa baligu kurini.This sheep is a different type.2tribe or ethnic group
baligubaliguattrdifferent types
balisisgbaliguNethnic groups
baluplbalusiNdisease or plague
bambointerrog1who? (pl human)2whose? (pl human)
bamsiV1learn2train oneself
banaasidaananumfourth person
bankifrom EnglishNbank, a place where money is kept