Hanga - English
bipolasgbipolliNyoung men, about ages 18-30
bipolliplbipolaN1young man, aged 18-302strong man
biri kpaariVturn one's back towards
biribattrthickligu biribthick darkness Tii maa bosi n pili birib.The tree is covered (is thick with) many leaves.
birikonsiattr1dishonesty, such as stealing or embezzlementE birikonsaa ni ku i.This your dishonesty will kill you.2hypocrisy
birimNfishing using poison
bo1Vmark outO bo torigu.He marked out a boundary
bo kiŋaasaVtell a proverb or parable
boba1sgbobiriN1animal tracks1.6Animal2swarms (e.g. of flies)3lines on paper
bobiV1tie on a headscarf2bear much fruit (a tree)3force somone to do something
bobiliimpf.bominaV1stroke (with a flat hand)2become strong
bobiriplboba1N1animal trackKari ba bobiri.Catch them up (chase their tracks).2swarm3line4forcefulnessE mari bobiri.You are a dominant person.