Hanga - English
chaariimpf.chaatiraV1cry out2scream
chabiriimpf.chabitiraV1cut in pieces2slice
chafiriplchafiyaN1traditional religionist2fetish worshipper
chagiV1be crooked or unevenBii maa noori chagini.The child's mouth is crooked.2unbalanced or not levelKatasa maa chagini za.The bowl is not level.
chagichagiplchagichagisiNtambourine (without a skin}
*chagsisg*chaguadj1branched (pl)2forked (pl)
*chagupl*chagsiadjbranched or forkeddachaguforked stick
chaŋŋidial. var.cheŋŋiV1walk2travel
chapAdvexactlyYalli maa gbagba n na, e yali chap.You have just stated the issue exactly.
cheV1leave behind2chop with a cutlass or small axe3havest millet, guinea corn or rice with a knife4harvest rice with a sickle
che choroVhit on head using knucklesO che u choro.He hit him on the head with his knuckles
che n paŋŋiVforgive a debt or a sinChe n paŋŋi ma.Forgive me.
chebiVplace money on the forehead of a dancer in appreciation
chebiriplchebaNflint and iron used to start a fire
chee1plcheesi1Nbrown-necked parrot
*cheen1attr1holynivucheenholy person4.9Religion2ritually clean4.9Religion