Hanga - English
dibodiboNmagicdibodibo niŋinibamagic practitioners, magicians
digipldigisiNmirror or pane of glass
digiliimpf.diŋinaVput (something) down
digili asibitiVadmit to hospital
digili yuuriVgive a name to a babyDigili bii yuuri.Name the child.
digisisgdigiN1mirrors or panes of glass2spectacles
diibuNfood for a celebrationZinaa ti marini diibu.Today we have (food for) a celebaration.
diikuNcloth for carrying items when travelling
diimapldiimasiN1female guardian2slave owner
diimasisgdiimaN1female guardians2slave owners
diisi2V1press (as when killing an ant)nuu diisiguthumbprint2massage
diisi nuwaVidentify yourself with your thumbprint or signature
dikpaaripldikpayaNinside the room where the bed is
-dimacfbadimaNsfxpeople pluralizerm yaadimamy ancestors / grandparents
DimaŋŋunpropDamongo, a town in northern Ghana