Hanga - English
dogite dial. var. of jogite
dolisi V 1 walk a little way O dolisi soori. He walked a little way along the road. 2 become swollen because of sickness Daba maa dolisiya. The man's body is swollen. 3 increase Koom maa dolisiya. The (river) water has increased.
dolisi soori V go for a walk
dolli V 1 pass through M ni dolli i niŋi nafa ba. I will bless them through you 2 give direction dolli kpe pass this way 3 masturbate
doo 1 pl doori N dawadawa tree or fruit
doo 2 V pour out some (not all)
doobu ptcp 1 lying down 2 having sex
dooli 2 V flatten or straighten metal
doori sg doo 1 N 1 dawadawa trees 2 dawadawa seeds
doosi 1 V apply eye ointment
doozum N 1 flour made from seeds of the dawadawa tree Food from seeds 2 yellow colour Tagite doozum n na. It is a yellow shirt. Color
dowuro dial. var. dawuro N small double-gong (gong-gong)
dowuroŋmeera N 1 player of a double gong 2 announcer
du V 1 climb Move up 2 cross O du mogiri. He crossed or waded through a river. 3 boil over