Hanga - English
fubiriV1remove leaves from a plant or tree2rushO fubiri n gaari.He rushed to go there.
fugsiV1boil yams 2pour out water from a container3take out seeds from cottonO fugsirini gumini.He is taking out seeds from cotton.
fumafuma1attrsoft or springy like a cushion, sponge or pillow2Nplastic foam
funfugsiNbubblesKoom maa kpeeni niŋini funfugsi.The water is boiling making bubbles.
fuŋsiV1be bloated (dead fish which float)2swell (bread)
furiV1have an injuryO liya, o nobiri furi.He fell and injured his foot.2unable keep a secretE noori furiya ga.You are unable to keep a secret.
furisiV1tighten a slip knot2dislocate (hip)
fuuraNcooked and punded millet balls