Hanga - English
gorigu 1 pl gorigusi N handle of cup or jug
gorigu 2 N thick bush-like forest
gorigusi sg gorigu 1 N handles of cups or jugs
-gu 2 N num sfx singular marker
guliguli pl guligulisi attr round or circular Bool maa bani guliguli. The ball is round.
gulimi V 1 lose shape (as plastic when heated in the fire or animal skin left in the sun to dry) Gbaŋŋu maa gulimini. The skin has lost shape. 2 coil like a snake in fire
guma sg gumini N different kins of cotton
gumini pl guma N cotton gumini tagete cotton shirt
*guna sg *gunni adj 1 contained in a shell buŋguna things in a shell, e.g. ground nuts or shea nuts 2 full booteguna full sacks 3 complete ŋmerigunni a whole month
Gungunyiri nprop a small mixed village on the eastern road near the Mole river
*gunni pl *guna adj 1 full bootegunni a full sack 2 whole ŋmerigunni a whole month 3 contained in a shell
gunsi sg guŋŋu N 1 kapok trees 2 kapok seeds
guŋgoŋŋu N 1 raised platform made from mud or concrete 2 bed made from mud
guŋgumi N kapok pod with kapok fibres still inside
guŋguntiya sg guŋguntiri N 1 hills 2 mounds (e.g. rubbish tips)
guri impf. gutira V 1 care for or protect O guri pu. He protected his farm. 2 wait for
gurunsi sg guruŋŋu N slaves (purchased)