Hanga - English
kperime N persist in doing something contrary to advice E mari kperime ga. You are very stubborn.
kpeya N germinated guinea corn or maize seeds processed to make pito
kpi 2 sg kpiitiri N shea nuts after it has been boiled and dried
kpiinsiya N 1 spirit of a dead person 2 ghost
kpiiŋu pl kpiinsi N corpse or dead body
kpiitiri pl kpi 2 N shea nut after they have been boiled and dried
kpili V 1 roll up (something) 2 make into balls
kpiŋkpaŋkobiri N 1 great strength 2 overriding authority
kpiri V 1 be deaf 2 be unable to speak
kpirimi V become lumpy during cooking
kpisa sg kpisigu N akee apple trees and fruit
kpisi V 1 rub out Kpisi e seba la. Rub out your writing. Naawunni o kpisi ti yabeeri. God should rub out our sins. 2 quench Kpisi bugum maa. Extinguish the fire or turn off the light.
kpisigu pl kpisa N ackee apple tree or fruit