Hanga - English
la2art1the (applies to a noun)2thus (applies to a clause)
laapllaasi1Nbowl made of clay
LaabaŋŋunpropLarabanga, a Kamara village at the junciton of the main east-west road and the western road to Hanga land
laaburipllaabuyaNpatas (red) monkey
laabuyasglaaburiNpatas (red) monkeyssynŋmaansi
laaliimpf.laana2Vfly around or fly low
laana1sglaaŋuNfishing nets (on stick)
laantapllaantasiNcourtyard of a compound
laantasisglaantaNcourtyards (compunds)
laaŋupllaana1Nfishing net (on stick)
lagfuplligiri1N1coin or banknote2cowrie shell
lagiVmark with a black cross for protection against vandalism
lagimasglagiminiNgaps between mounds on a farm or gaps between footsteps
lagimiV1do simultaneouslyBa lagimi n ŋmeera.They are beating (the floor) together.2have sexBa lagimi taaba.They had sex.
lagiminipllagimaNgap between mounds on a farm or gap between footsteps