Hanga - English
leesiVreplant (because first planting failed)
leŋsiVtree that is ready to fallO ŋmaa daa maa leŋsi.He chopped the stick or tree until it was almost ready to fall.
lerigiV1untie or become untiedO lerigiya.It has become untied.2take child off back3trim edges of cloth
ligi vuusimidstop breathing
ligiri2Vforce one's way forward by pushing people aside
ligiri booteNsack for keeping money
limiVbe deepKoom maa liminini.The water is deep.
*limsaadjdeepkolimsadeep waters
liŋiniliŋiniAdv1slowly2one by one
logikpiyaattruntrustworthy, like a person who passes information to an opponentE mari logikpii ga.You are very untrustworthy
loguN1bow for shooting arrows2poison