Hanga - English
ka 1 V to not have or not be O ka dii puwa. He is not in the hut.
ka 2 conj 1 and Mani n ta poin, ka ti ba. I came first, and (then) they (came). 2 if Ka saa taya, m ni gaa pu. If it rains, I will go to farm.
kaa 2 V inspect to see what happened
kaaligu N something that can be counted
kaari 1 N 1 habit O kaari n na. It is his habit. 2 natural ability 3 temperament
kaari 2 V be untrue Kaari! It is untrue
kaasi 2 V 1 pack 2 arrange something, perhaps baggage on a lorry 3 clear throat
kabi V 1 breakk or break off Kabi daa maa. Break the stick 2 burn while cooking
kabila cf siila sg kabilli N bugles made from animal horns
kabilli pl kabila N bugle made from an animal horn
Kaboŋ N Twi-speaking person
Kadiŋ nprop Kadin, a Hanga village on the western road
kaga sg kagitiri 1 N grain stalks
kagi V 1 be hard Maana maa kagini. The okra is hard (it canot be used for soup). 2 hold a hard object in one's mouth Gbesiri kagini o noori. He is holding a chewing stick in his mouth.