Browse Kankanaey – English



gánsoNounGoose.See alsogotíkkawwítanmanókpésak
gaóActive Verb1-om-4, -enTo dish out rice from a pot.Man-gaó kas innapóy.Dish out some rice.2-anTo dish rice onto something.Gaoám paláto ay nay tan kólang.Dish rice onto this plate because it's not enough.See alsoakódgaléled 2gáokókattalátaltápeytewék 2
gáodActive Verb-en, i-To scoop up, as dirt, ashes.Gaódem din dap-ó ta en ka ibbéng.Scoop up the ashes to go throw them away.
gáokActive Verb1-om-4, -en, i...anTo dip out, of liquids.Omigáok ka kodáy enggán esá ay tása ánggoy.Please dip out even just one cup.Gaókem sin kóli.Dip it out of the rice beer jar.2-anTo dip out into something.Gaókam din látak ay sána.Dip it into that can of mine.Igaókam san iyógtan mo.Dip out some for your younger sibling.3i-To dip out with something.
gaónNounKogon grass.See alsomímis
gapó1Active Verb-an, i-To begin, start.Igapó da ay man-oblá.They are starting to work.Énak gapoán si awní.I will go start on it in a little while.See alsologípoó 1
gapó2NounReason, as for an action.Sínoy gapó na ay naibálod?What is the reason he was imprisoned?
gápo1Adjectivema-Soft, as soil that is easy to hoe; tender, easy to chew, as meat.Mo laóg ay onás yan magmagápo ay magága.As for laóg sugarcane, it is easy to chew.2Active Verb-om-1To become soft.Eskám si maní ta gomápo mo gabyónen.Plant it with peanuts so that it will become soft when it is hoed.See alsoem-ékgeéskompitáy 1ólay1yédmesyéngpes
gapó sinConjunctionBecause of, on account of, due to.Kinmápoy din matán amák gapó sin kanákay na.My father's eyes became weak due to his old age.Gapó sin kaeegyát ay dalaló, nadadáel ámin di móla da.Because of the frightful hail, all their crops were ruined.See alsobegéwlawánpanggép 3
gapó taConjunctionBecause, sinceGapó ta emegyát da ay manbeéy sin ígid di báybay, nantíkid da sin kadondontógan.Since they were afraid to live by the seashore, they went up into the mountain area.
gaságasActive Verb-an, i-To scrub, as a pot.
gásangActive Verb-en, -an, i-To scour, as a pot.Ay ginasángam bánga yo?Did you scour your pots?See alsogadgád1gaságasgasgás 2gasígasgidgíd 1godgód1gosógoskelát 1kiskís1 2kitkítkoskóslampáso 2laslás1lislísloslós2sobsób
gásat1NounLuck, fate.2Adjectivena-Lucky, as a sweepstakes winner; fortunate, as a person who gets a good job after studying hard.
gasgás1NounBrush.2Active Verbman-, -anTo brush something, esp. teeth.See alsogadgád1gaságasgásanggasígasgidgíd 1godgód1gosógoskelát 1kiskís1 2kitkítkoskóslampáso 2laslás1lislísloslós2sobsób
gasígasActive Verbi-To wipe, scrape, as dirt from feet or shoes.See alsogadgád1gaságasgásanggasgás 2gidgíd 1godgód1gosógoskelát 1kiskís1 2kitkítkoskóslampáso 2laslás1lislísloslós2sobsób
gasótmeasureUnit of one hundred.
gástos1NounExpense.2Active Verbman-, -enTo spend, of money.Adí na laydén ay man-gástos.He doesn't like to spend money.Nalaká ay magástos di lagbók mo eméyak ed Baguio.My salary is easily spent if I go to Baguio.3Stative verbma...anTo have all one's money spent.SynonymgastógástosSee alsobáyadbay-ó2bólod 2ótangsaldá
gátaStative verbma...anTo be cracked, as an ax blade.See alsobaníg
gátas ay nakolódNounSweetened condensed milk.
gaté1AdjectiveFunny, provoking laughter.ka- + CV2Active Verbman-To itch, be itchy, as an insect bite.3Active VerbTo taste itchy, as gabi leaves, unripe bananas.speclamát
gatgátActive Verb-enTo gnaw on or off; to chew partially, as to gnaw through a stem of rice so the grain falls, gnaw a few holes in a shirt, bite down unexpectedly on a rock.Owát nan gatgáten dowán okmónen.He just chews it partially and at the same time swallows.Ginatgát na ay síli.He bit down unexpectedly on a hot pepper.
gátinActive Verbi-To step on.In-gátin moy táin di manók.You stepped on some chicken manure.Nabollingét ed nasdém et adík ilán din gatínak.It was dark yesterday evening and I didn't see where I was stepping.(ginatínan, gintínan)
gawStative verbma-To turn yellow, of tree leaves.
gáwa1NounMiddle, center.See alsogawwá