Search results for "gwaaro"
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ko₂ [L ] C3 (impf: kora; past: koga₂) v 1be / become dry { Pale gwaaro tem se te ko. Hang out the clothes to dry. } 2be withered, paralysed { O jeŋa kam koga. His arm is withered. } [ der. -kora ]
lɔɔre₁ [R ] A1 v peel off, remove, skin (an animal) { O lɔɔre o gwaaro. He removed his clothes. | n toŋe ko lɔɔre you do the correct thing | tega yibia lɔɔre dawn }
na₁ [L ] A3 (past: , impf: nana₃) v 1press, iron, rub { O wora o nane gwaaro tem. He is ironing the clothes. } (domain: 7.7.4 - Press.) 2scrape, grate, grind (domain: 7.7.6 - Grind, - Grind flour.)
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