Search results for "na₁"

badwonna₁ pl. of badwoŋi n pl friends
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badwoŋi [MM ] O/BA (pl: badwonna) (from dwoŋi) n friend { badwoŋ-swono close friend } [of the same sex and generation] syn: chilwoŋi; syn: yuudwoŋi. (domain: 4.1.1 - Friend.) [ der. badwoŋo ]
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bana₁ [LM ] BA (from ba-, -na) num four (4) { nɔɔna bana four people } (domain: - Cardinal numbers.)
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chana₁ [R ] (variant: chamma) v st 1be difficult, hard, unpleasant, bitter, expensive { Ko sabu chana. It's very expensive. | O kein chana. He is badly behaved. } (domain: 4.4.2 - Trouble, 6.1.3 - Difficult, impossible, - Bad.) der. chanɛɛre, 2be brave, fearless, unfeeling, strict { O tiini o chana o bia baŋa ne. He treats his children very harshly. | O chana. He is brave. } (domain: - Brave, - Not care, - Act harshly.) 3be important { Ko tiini ko chana ko pa-ne. It is very important for me. } (domain: - Important.) cf: -chɛɔ.
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chanɛɛre [LM ] DE/YA (der. of chana 1 be unpleasant) n suffering, severe hardship, oppression (domain: 4.4.2 - Trouble, 6.1.3 - Difficult, impossible.)
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gwona₁ n pattern design on a newly plastered wall
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jampana₁ n name given to new-born (domain: - Baby.)
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kɔ₁ [L ] A3 (impf: kɔna; past: kɔne) v nurture, rear, feed, suckle (of children and animals) { Lwooru ba lwoori o kɔne o dwoŋi. A beggar does not beg in order to feed his fellow beggar. } (domain: 6.3 - Animal husbandry, - Rear a child.) [ der. kɔnɔ ]
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kɔna₁ impf. of v nurtures
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lona₁ [L ] (emphatic: lomma) v st be hot { n wo lona you are stingy, mean | n ni lona you interrupt, speak out of turn | o kuri lona she is productive (of children) | Kaane kuri mo lona se o ni ba lona. A woman should be productive not talkative. } (domain: 8.3.4 - Hot.) [ der. -lone , der. -loŋo ]
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memena₁ [LL ] KA/SE n small black ant (domain: - Insect.)
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na₁ [L ] A3 (past: , impf: nana) v 1press, iron, rub { O wora o nane gwaaro tem. He is ironing the clothes. } (domain: 7.7.4 - Press.) 2scrape, grate, grind (domain: 7.7.6 - Grind, - Grind flour.)
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-na₁ [M ] num st four (4) { nɔɔna bana 4 people | naane dena 4 cows | bakeiri sena 4 boys | bachangaaro tena 4 crows | baywoa yana 4 rats } [ bana , dena , nna , sena , tena , yana ]
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nana₁ [MM ] num eight (8) { nɔɔna nana 8 people | chechara nana 8 eggs } (domain: - Cardinal numbers.)
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nena₁ n child weaned too early cf: neene.
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sana₁ [H ] -/BA n pl pito, beer (fermented drink made from millet) cf: sabɔle; cf: sa-nyɔna; cf: sa-gwoo, sa-ywoŋo, sa-keira, sa-kwɛɔ, sa-tɔgɔ, sabɔle; cf: sa-kwɛɔ; cf: sa-keira. [ sa-gwoo , sa-keira , sa-kwɛɔ , sa-nyɔna , sa-nyɔro , sa-tɔgɔ , sa-ywoŋo ]
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