ga₁ [M ]B2(impf:gɛ; past:gɛa) v1fail, miss, come short, lack{ Amo kwaane a ga.I tried and failed. | Sabu ná gɛa, mini mo wó di.When money fails, fire will succeed.} (domain: - Fail.) Agɛboŋa, 2remain, be incomplete{ Ko gɛ da fuga.There are ten days left.} [ der.gɛɛ, der.gɛɛre]
ga₂ C3(impf:gara₂; past:gaga) vbail out, sweep away water
ga₃ [L ]C3(impf:gara₂; past:gaga) vcount, chant, read{ O wae o gare tɔnɔ.He can read.}
ga₄ ptperhaps, maybe{ N ga n boŋe we ba kɛ.You might think they have gone.}
gaale [L ]A1vgo beyond, pass by, surpass{ Ko lana ko gaale.It is excellent. | Ba ba gaale ni ba pae dedwoŋi.One does not pass by a mouth to give to another one.; In cases of need, one should not have favourites. | ko ja ko gaaleextremely} [ der.jagala]
gaane₁ [M ]A1vreap by cutting with knife or sickle