Kasem - English
goa₁ KA n wilderness, forest; uninhabited area (domain: - Forest, grassland, desert .)
gole KA/SE n thick millet porridge, tonzaafi (t.z.) { gole-bia small dollops of porridge | gole-kokweo thick porridge | gole-nyɔne sour porridge, prepared during funeral rites | gole-pwonnu t.z. prepared for start of final funeral rites | gole-kamɔrɔ spoilt t.z. | gole-sɔla pot in which t.z. is prepared ; preparation of t.z. } (domain: - Food from seeds , - Prepared food .)
golesaa [ MM ] KO/TE n thorn_tree / balanites_aegyptica / (domain: 1.5.1 - Tree .)
goleyaare DE/YA n guava tree or fruit (domain: 1.5.1 - Tree , - Food from fruit .)
gongɔŋɔ [ ML ] KO/TE n cage for transporting chickens (domain: 7.3.8 - Transport , - Chicken .)
gore [ M ] A1 v pluck, remove feathers (domain: 6.3.6 - Poultry raising .)
gore-gore ideo delicately, lightly (domain: 7.2.1 - Manner of movement .)
gorege [ L ] v hold tightly { n to n gorege nɔɔno you cling to someone for help } (domain: - Hold , - Contact .)
goro O/BA ( der. of go , -ro ) n killer { nɔn-goro murderer | chwo-goro disease of fowls } (domain: 4.7.3 - Break the law , - Kill .)
gɔ₁ A2 v be washed well { A swɛ a yera a gɔ mo. I have washed myself completely clean. } (domain: 5.6.2 - Bathe .)
gɔ₂ [ M ] B1 ( impf: gɔe ; past: gɔga ) v uproot, pull up, bring to an end { gɔ na-baare take a step } (domain: - Take something out of something , - Uproot plants .)
gɔe impf. of gɔ₂ v uproots
gɔga past of gɔ₂ v uprooted
gɔgele [ L ] A1 v balance on the head, without holding { O zeŋe zela o gɔgela. She is balancing the load on her head. } (domain: 7.3.1 - Carry , - Balance .)
gɔgere A1 v 1 play the fool { Yé ta-n zege n gɔgera. Don't stand there and play the fool. } (domain: 4.2.7 - Play, fun .) 2 decorate, fashion, embroider (domain: 8.3.8 - Decorated .)
gɔgese [ M ] A1 v nod, shake the head
gɔgɔ [ R ] KO/TE ( pl: gwa ; pl: gwaro ) n craftsman, skilled person, musician (domain: - Musician , - Expert .) [ gɔgɔ tampɔgɔ ]
gɔgɔ tampɔgɔ ( from gɔgɔ , tampɔgɔ ) n leather bag (domain: - Bag .)
gɔl-kapera n pl tree seeds used in treating leather (domain: 1.5 - Plant .)
gɔle variant spelling of gwale v fornicate (sem. domains: - Sexual immorality .)
gɔna variant spelling of gwana n lame person (sem. domains: 2.5.4 - Disabled .)
gɔɔne₁ [ L ] A1 v snore (domain: 2.2.1 - Breathe, breath .)
gɔɔne₂ [ L ] A1 v catch_fish