gwooni [L ]A1vdespise, belittle, look down on{ Ba ba yage kukula yiga ne ye ba daa gwooni ka veiŋa.They don't put a short person to lead the way and then complain about his (slow) pace. | N ná gwooni buga, ka wó ja-m.If you underestimate a pond/ river, it will drown you.; Appearances may be deceptive. | Bonaga we siu ba gwooni logo logo.Donkey says that any place is good enough for resting. | gwooni n tetehumble yourself} (domain: - Humble, - Despise someone, - Lack respect.)
gwoori₁ [H ]A1vbend down, bend (over) in a curve{ Chaveera ba goe se ya gwoori tiri.Shame does not kill but it causes the forehead to lower.}