ka-kwea KA/SE(fromka-, -kwea) nsenior_wife{ Gwoli delo na mage ka-kwea to de jwa mo wó mage ka-bia.The club which beats the senior wife will some day beat the favourite wife.} (domain: - Husband, wife, - Woman, 2.6.1 - Marriage.)
ka-nyaane O/BA(fromka-, nyaane₂) nmaidservant, girl helper of a married woman; wife's younger relative who joins the husband's household to work for them, and may later become a wife(domain: - Serve, - Adopt.)
kaane₂ [H ]A1vsacrifice, make offering{ O yeini o kaane jwona.He sacrifices at the fetish shrines.} [ritual performed on a shrine, usually accompanied by prayer and sacrifice] (domain: - Offering, sacrifice.)
kaane₃ [M ]O/BA(stem:ka-) nwoman, wife{ ka-lorowoman capable of giving birth | ka-chalawoman who does not stay with one husband for long | ka-cheeriyoung girl who has given birth for the first time | ka-biayoungest wife | ka-swonofavourite wife | ka-sɔŋɔnew mother | ka-chwɛmature woman who has not borne children | ka-zɔŋɔimportant woman | ka-cheiŋocourageous woman | ka-wamoverbearing woman} (domain: - Primate, 1.6.7 - Male and female animals.) bu-kaane, [ kan-baro, kangwoŋa, kazene]