m- variant spelling ofn-mpɛseven (7) (in counting)
ma₁ B2(impf:mae₂; past:mɛa) vuse{ Ba mae konto ba ma ke bɛ mo?What do they use that for?} (domain: - Use.)
ma₂ [M ]ptwith, using{ O kwei seo o ma zage mena.He took a cutlass and harvested the millet with it.} (domain: - Use.)
ma₃ [M ]ptnext, then{ O ma zaŋe o vo sɔŋɔ.Then he got up and went home.} (domain: - Next, - Aspect--dynamic verbs.)
maa pt1present action (verbs of motion){ A maa vei yaga.I am going to market.} (domain: 9.4.1 - Tense and aspect.) 2additional action or state{ O maa wora taa.And he was there for a long time.} (domain: 9.6.1 - Coordinate relations, - Aspect--stative verbs.)
maane A1vobserve, realise, notice, deduce{ O maane we o yi sam.He realised that he had reached houses. | Maane ko ni ne!Take note of it!} (domain: - Notice, - Think about, - Look.) [ der.maana]
mae₁ v stbe a certain size, similar, equal{ Te ba mae daane.They are not the same. | Noa na mae tei to, ka ta mae konto mo.Whatever size the finger is, it remains that size.; Not everything changes with time.} (domain: 8.2.7 - Fit, size, - Like, similar.)
mage A1v1hit, strike, beat{ Ba mage-nethey hit me | mage ni-kantɔgɔhave an argument | mage nyɔɔneboast} (domain: 7.7.1 - Hit.) 2kick, play ball games{ Ba mage bɔɔle.They played ball.} (domain: 7.7.3 - Kick.) 3play a musical instrument(domain: - Play music.) der.mageno,