veele₃ vweigh down under pressure (e.g. from a heavy load)
veene -/DEn plrosella; seeds of hibiscus sabdariffa (may be used as substitute for millet in a bad year){ Ko ná ni vora, ba wó jwoŋi veene.If soothsayers are suffering, they will accept hibiscus seeds (as payment).} (domain: - Food from seeds, 1.5.2 - Bush, shrub.) cf: veo₂.
veilu (der. ofvo₂, -ru) nwalker, traveller, explorer [ tega-veilu]
veiŋa (der. ofvo₂) nwalking{ Bu wom ta wo yi veiŋa.The child has not yet started walking. | Wɛ mo na swoi wolo to veiŋa ye ka yera mo.The one God loves walks with his own style.}
veiru [M ]nstranger, visitor, guest{ Veiru zoore de dam mo se o ba nwoŋi de dam.A visitor may enter uninvited but he cannot leave without permission.} ant: tembu.