Browse Kashaya - English


*pa1-v-instrarrive in time for (when one expects to be late)Plural*pat-*mapader.mapáwvarrive in time, esp. for work or foodsyn*mupa 1*mupapref.mupáwv1arrive in time for; just arrived; arrive just in time forsyn*mapa2find a situation as expected
*pa2-v-instrcompletely fill a two-dimensional space, an area to be filledsyn*bo·m*dohpo1*pam*pem*pʰa·lcf*paṭ2*pa·ṭ1*capapref.capáwvbe overgrown or covered with vegetation; be fully dammed up so water covers all of an areasyn*cupacf*cahce*cipapref.cipáwvcover with writing (or other process involving handled instrument)*cupapref.cupáwvbe covered with vegetation, be overgrown, crowdedsyn*capacf*cahce*dapam*dipapref.dipáwvbe covered with fallen objectscf*dipam*dipem*hipapref.hipáwvplace or hole be entirely covered, full*hipahqacaus.hipáhqawvcover; cause to be covered or full*hipawaqdir.hipawáʔvthe body to fill (a doorway) going through, barely to fit through*pupapref.pupáwvbe covered by wind-blown debris; be filled (with debris) blown by the windcf*pupaṭʰci*qapapref.qapáwvbe pressed in tight in an area; fill area by being packed tightly*šupapref.šupáwvcover or fill completely a two-dimensional space with a cloth, a flexible objectsyn*šupaṭʰci1cf*šupem
*pacepacéwv1fasten by wrapping, especially a bundle of sticks; tick something through somthing to hold it (as papers on a pin); wrap up, pack up, tie up with rope2make a torch of split sticks tied togetherPrefixed:pʰa-*cePlural*pacetpacéʔpacewabs.pacéwnbundle of wood, torch of bound split sticks or rushes; flashlightpaceʔliinstr.pacéʔlinimpaling instrument, especially a spit for roasting meatfr. var.pace·limaʔa paceʔlin.p.maʔa páceʔlintable forkqaʔdi paceʔlin.p.qaʔdi páceʔlinpitchfork
*pacetpacéʔPlural of*pacefasten by impaling or wrappingmake a torch of split sticks
pacewpacéwnbundle of wood, torch of bound split sticks or rushes; flashlight8. sourceAbsolutive:*pacen.p.ʔoho pacewtorch; flashlight
paceʔlipacéʔlinimpaling instrument, especially a spit for roasting meat6.7.1.1Poking tool5.2.1.3Cooking utensilInstrumental of*paceFree Variantpace·limaʔa paceʔlin.p.maʔa páceʔlintable forkqaʔdi paceʔlin.p.qaʔdi páceʔlinpitchfork
pace·lipacé·liFree Variant ofpaceʔliimpaling instrument
*pacitpacíʔPlural of*pahcibundle up tight
*pacopacówvcrush, be crushing with the end of a long object (e.g. pestle); pound upcf*pahcohcoPrefixed:pʰa-*co1Plural*pacotpacóʔ
*pacotpacóʔPlural of*pacocrush with pestle
*pacʰat1pacʰáʔPlural of*pahcʰa1poke over
*pacʰat2pacʰáʔPlural of*pacʰa·hold end of stick against something
*pacʰa·pacʰaw´vhold end of stick against somethingPrefixed:pʰa-*cʰa·1Plural*pacʰat2pacʰáʔ
*pacʰihwacʼicPlural of*pahcʰiwa·ducpunch and injure
*pacʰihwaducPlural of*pahcʰiwa·ducpunch and injure
*pacʰihwalapacʰíhwalawPlural of*pahcʰiwa·laspear much gamePlural Affix-hw
*pacʰiṭpacʰíʔPlural of*pacʰi·ṭtake out with end of long object
*pacʰi·ṭpacʰiʔ´vtake out with the end of a long objectPrefixed:pʰa-*cʰi·ṭ1Plural*pacʰiṭpacʰíʔ
*pacʰulpacʰúlʔvremove several things with end of a long objectPrefixed:pʰa-*cʰul1Plural*pacʰulʔtapacʰúlʔtaw
*pacʰulicʼvpick teeth
pacʰuliʔlipacʰulíʔlintoothpick6.7.1.1Poking tool
*pacʰulʔtapacʰúlʔtawPlural of*pacʰulremove several things with end of long object
pahcanpahcánnfish hawk, osprey1.6.1.2Birdpahcankʼi·comp.pahcánkʼi·nrock crab
pahcankʼi·pahcánkʼi·nrock crabRomaleon antennarium1.6.1.9Small animalsCompound:pahcanhikʼi·
*pahcipahcíwvbundle something up and bind tight with several turns of a cord; be stuffed tightPrefixed:pʰa-*hci4Plural*pacitpacíʔ