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carry around (supported underneath)*coʔdomul 2coʔdomúlʔdir. of*coʔdohold, carry (in container) hold, carry (supported underneath) ride horse-mularoundv-hndcarry around to the other side while supported underneath, especially on the shoulders or head
carry back few steps (in container)*coʔdoma·qocʼ 1coʔdomá·qoʔdir. of*coʔdohold, carry (in container) hold, carry (supported underneath) ride horse-maqocʼback a bitv-hndcarry back a few steps in a containersyn*biʔdima·qocʼ*dimaqocʼ*ʔbema·qocʼ
carry back few steps (supported underneath)*coʔdoma·qocʼ 2coʔdomá·qoʔdir. of*coʔdohold, carry (in container) hold, carry (supported underneath) ride horse-maqocʼback a bitv-hndcarry back a few steps while supported underneath, especially on the shoulders or head
carry by handle*cukʰe·dcukʰe·du´pl.*cukʰehtaddir. of*cuhkʰemove with handle-ad2along hithervcarry or move something along by holding a handle or a smaller part of a larger objectkʰe naṭa cʰuke·ducarry the child for me (or my child) in a wagon!kare·ta wi be·li cúkʰe·du~šukʰe·dubring here in a wagonsyn*cihkʰe*ciqʰal1*cʰiye*šukʰe·d 1cf*cuye·d7.3Move something
carry down (in container)*codo·la 1codo·láwdir. of*coʔdohold, carry (in container) hold, carry (supported underneath) ride horse-aladown INCEPv-hndcarry in a container down; pick up (container) and set lower (or into something)syn*be·la*bida·la1*dila
carry down (supported underneath)*codo·la 2codo·láwdir. of*coʔdohold, carry (in container) hold, carry (supported underneath) ride horse-aladown INCEPv-hndcarry down while supported underneath, especially on the shoulders or head
carry down off of (in container)*codo·lamecʼ 1codola·méʔdir. of*coʔdohold, carry (in container) hold, carry (supported underneath) ride horse-alamecʼdown offv-hndcarry down off of in a containersyn*be·lamecʼ*bida·lamecʼ*dilamecʼ
carry down off of (supported underneath)*codo·lamecʼ 2codola·méʔdir. of*coʔdohold, carry (in container) hold, carry (supported underneath) ride horse-alamecʼdown offv-hndcarry down off of while supported underneath, especially on the shoulders or head
carry far (in container)*codo·duc 1codo·dúʔpl. agt.*codo·cicʼ*codo·cʼicdir. of*coʔdohold, carry (in container) hold, carry (supported underneath) ride horse-aducfarv-hndcarry far, away to a distance in a containersyn*be·duc*bide·duc*diduc
carry far (supported underneath)*codo·duc 2codo·dúʔpl. agt.*codo·cicʼ*codo·cʼicdir. of*coʔdohold, carry (in container) hold, carry (supported underneath) ride horse-aducfarv-hndcarry far, away to a distance while supported underneath, especially on the shoulders or head
carry in (in container)*coʔdomac 1coʔdomáʔdir. of*coʔdohold, carry (in container) hold, carry (supported underneath) ride horse-macin hence S/E hencev-hndcarry in from here in a containersyn*biʔdimac 1*dimac 1*ʔbemac 1
carry in (supported underneath)*coʔdomac 2coʔdomáʔdir. of*coʔdohold, carry (in container) hold, carry (supported underneath) ride horse-macin hence S/E hencev-hndcarry in from here while supported underneath, especially on the shoulders or head
carry N or W (in container)*codo·q 1syn*be·q 1*bida·q2 1*codo·q 1*diq 1dir. of*coʔdohold, carry (in container) hold, carry (supported underneath) ride horse-aq1out hence N/W hencev-hndcarry north or west from here in a container
carry N or W (supported underneath)*codo·q 2dir. of*coʔdohold, carry (in container) hold, carry (supported underneath) ride horse-aq1out hence N/W hencev-hndcarry north or west from here while supported underneath, especially on the shoulders or head
carry on one's head, shoulder*coʔdoyicʼ 1coʔdoyíʔrefl. of*coʔdohold, carry (in container) hold, carry (supported underneath) ride horsev-hndcarry on one's head or shoulder
carry out or away (in container)*codo·q 1codoʔ´dir. of*coʔdohold, carry (in container) hold, carry (supported underneath) ride horse-aq1out hence N/W hencev-hndcarry out from here, away in a containersyn*be·q 1*bida·q2 1*diq 1
carry out or away (supported underneath)*codo·q 2codoʔ´dir. of*coʔdohold, carry (in container) hold, carry (supported underneath) ride horse-aq1out hence N/W hencev-hndcarry out from here, away while supported underneath, especially on the shoulders or head
carry S or E (in container)*coʔdomac 1syn*biʔdimac 1*coʔdomac 1*dimac 1*ʔbemac 1dir. of*coʔdohold, carry (in container) hold, carry (supported underneath) ride horse-macin hence S/E hencev-hndcarry south or east from here in a container
carry S or E (supported underneath)*coʔdomac 2dir. of*coʔdohold, carry (in container) hold, carry (supported underneath) ride horse-macin hence S/E hencev-hndcarry south or east from here while supported underneath, especially on the shoulders or head
carry slung over shoulder*cʰiʔdiyicʼcʰiʔdiyíʔpl.*cisata·tacʼ*cisayʔtacʼrefl. of*cʰiʔdiput down after draggingv-hndcarry close to oneself, with a handle or slung over the shoulder
carry up from here (in container)*codo·qac 1codo·qáʔdir. of*coʔdohold, carry (in container) hold, carry (supported underneath) ride horse-aqacup hencev-hndcarry in a container up from here; push up (in swing)syn*be·qac*bida·qac*diqac
carry up from here (supported underneath)*codo·qac 2codo·qáʔdir. of*coʔdohold, carry (in container) hold, carry (supported underneath) ride horse-aqacup hencev-hndcarry up from here while supported underneath, especially on the shoulders or head
carry up with handle*cukʰe·qaccukʰe·qáʔpl.*cukʰehtaqacdir. of*cuhkʰemove with handle-aqacup hencevcarry something upwards by holding a handle or other smaller part of a larger objectqʰaʔbe (ʔel) karé·ta wi bawílpʰi cukʰeqa·cíput the rocks in the wagon (one by one) and take them up!7.3.2Move something in a direction
carry up, away (in container)*codo·bic 2codo·bíʔpl.*codohtibicdir. of*coʔdohold, carry (in container) hold, carry (supported underneath) ride horse-ibicup away INCEPv-hndcarry up, away in a containerph. v.ʔila codo·bic
carry up, away (supported underneath)*codo·bic 4codo·bíʔpl.*codohtibicdir. of*coʔdohold, carry (in container) hold, carry (supported underneath) ride horse-ibicup away INCEPv-hndcarry up, away while supported underneath, especially on the shoulders or headph. v.ʔila codo·bic