Kashaya - English


*ṭʼa1ṭʼáwvmake a clacking, flapping sound*ṭʼaya·ladir.ṭʼayá·lawvpour something out so it falls downward into something else; dump something from a container into watercf*ṭʼayi·bic*ṭʼa·mpl.*ṭʼahyalaṭʼahyalá
*ṭʼa2-vput (into or out of a container), pourwith directionalsPlural*ṭʼahyiṭʼahyíwcuhni ṭʼahyimʔn.p.cuhni ṭʼáhyimʔnpancakessyn*pema·duc 2*ṭʼa·messiveṭʼamʔ´vpour a liquid into something (once); dump something from one container into another one; store (in plural)cf*ṭʼaya·lapl.*ṭʼahyimṭʼáhyimʔ*ṭʼa·c2smlf.ṭʼaʔvspill, pour out (on the ground), remove from a containerlu·y to ṭʼacʰqallin.p.lú·y to ṭʼacʰqalliplaceWhere Louie Spilled, a place just east of the reservation*ṭʼayaydir.ṭʼayáyʔvpour (something) onto (an object or surface); water a plant (pour water onto plant)pl.*ṭʼahyay*ṭʼaya·ducdir.ṭʼayá·duʔvpour out a liquid to throw it away or get rid of itcf*ṭʼaya·q*ʔdanepl.*ṭʼahyaduc*ṭʼaya·qdir.ṭʼayaʔ´vpour out, throw out by pouringcf*ṭʼaya·ducpl.*ṭʼahyaqṭʼahyáʔʔama· ṭʼahyaqn.p.ʔama· ṭʼáhyaʔntrash, trash pile*ṭʼayi·bicdir.ṭʼayí·biʔvpour down out of a container; tip over (a box, not nec. that something come out)cf*ṭʼaya·lapl.*ṭʼahyibicṭʼáhyibiʔ
*ṭʼac-v-instrsprayPlural*ṭʼahci-*pʰuṭʼacpref.pʰuṭʼáʔvrain to spray or be blown in the wind; spit to spray by blowing or when talking; other liquid to spray in the aircf*pʰuʔṭʼaʔṭʼapl.*pʰuṭʼahcpʰuṭʼáhciw
*ṭʼahci-Plural of*ṭʼacsprayPlural Affix-h-
*ṭʼahpʰahpʰaṭʼahpʰáhpʰawv-redemit sounds of tapping (tapping with a stick or of walking on gravel)cfṭʼapʼ*ṭʼahpʰaṭʼahpʰafreq.ṭʼahpʰaṭʼáhpʰawv-redemit sounds of tapping (tapping with a stick or of walking on gravel); make sound of bad spark plugs, of sputtering engineUsed with directionals
*ṭʼahpʰaṭʼahpʰaṭʼahpʰaṭʼáhpʰawv-redemit sounds of tapping (tapping with a stick or of walking on gravel); make sound of bad spark plugs, of sputtering engineUsed with directionalsFrequentative of*ṭʼahpʰahpʰa
*ṭʼahši1-Plural of*ʔṭʼaš1fasten in placePlural Affix-h-
*ṭʼahši2ṭʼáhšiwPlural of*ʔṭʼaš2fasten in place with no agent
*ṭʼahṭʰaṭṭʼáhṭʰaʔvcrushed (of rock) or pieces of rock in the soilcf*hihsutPrefixed:Ø-*ʔṭʼaṭ3qʰaʔbe ṭʼahṭʰaʔn.p.qʰaʔbe ṭʼáhṭʰaʔngravel found on mountains, not near watercfqʰaʔbe qaṭʰaw
*ṭʼahyaducPlural of*ṭʼaya·ducpour away
*ṭʼahyalaṭʼahyaláPlural of*ṭʼaya·lapour down into
*ṭʼahyaqṭʼahyáʔPlural of*ṭʼaya·qpour out, away
*ṭʼahyayPlural of*ṭʼayaypour onto
*ṭʼahyiṭʼahyíwPlural of*ṭʼa2put, pourirregular pluralPlural Affix-h-
*ṭʼahyibicṭʼáhyibiʔPlural of*ṭʼayi·bicpour down and out; tip over
*ṭʼahyimṭʼáhyimʔPlural of*ṭʼa·mpour into
ṭʼakʼṭʼákʼmim-animtap; sound of hitting something with fingernail; sound of clock (tick-tock) but not of popcorn; sound of tapping teeth; sound of house cracking; sound of rock hitting rock or telephone polecfkʼaṭʼ2kʼopʼṭikʼ
ṭʼalṭʼálmim-inansound of tinfoil blowing against stick; of dry wagon wheel spokescf*ṭʼalaṭʼala
*ṭʼala-v-instr(teeth) chatter; tapalways with frequentative or derivative /-·m/*ṭʼala·mder.ṭʼalamʔ´vstrike repeatedly; chatter, tap*ṭʼalaṭʼalafreq.ṭʼalaṭʼálawv-redmake sound of repeated striking, such as chattering teeth, pounding feet, wood slapping a wallcfṭʼal
*ṭʼalaṭʼalaṭʼalaṭʼálawv-redmake sound of repeated striking, such as chattering teeth, pounding feet, wood slapping a wallcfṭʼal2.3.2.2Sound7.7.1HitFrequentative of*ṭʼala
*ṭʼala·mṭʼalamʔ´vstrike repeatedly; chatter, taphoʔo ṭʼála·me· tomy teeth are chattering7.7.1HitDerivative:*ṭʼala
*ṭʼam1-v-instrtalk too muchFree Variantṭʼa·m*baṭʼampref.baṭʼámʔvtalk too muchcf*balubaluc*baʔbaʔba
*ṭʼam2-v-instrstir up a swarm*caṭʼampref.caṭʼámʔv(to stir up) by sitting on; sit down and disturb (ant nest or yellowjackets; not of snake)*daṭʼampref.daṭʼámʔvdisturb (nest or anthill) by putting hand in; disturb by touching; stir up swarmsyn*duṭʼam*diṭʼampref.diṭʼámʔvfall on nest (and scatter creatures); stir up swarm by falling on*duṭʼampref.duṭʼámʔv(think you’re through) but more and more come to dosyn*daṭʼam*haṭʼampref.haṭʼámʔvstir up a swarm (of hornets, bees) by throwing somethingsyn*muṭʼampl.*haṭʼama·tad*maṭʼampref.maṭʼámʔvdisturb (yellowjacket nest) by stepping oncf*maṭʼa· 1*maʔṭʼa*miṭʼampref.miṭʼámʔvkick nest (and scatter)*muṭʼampref.muṭʼámʔvstir up (yellowjackets) by running into or throwing rocksyn*haṭʼam*pʰaṭʼampref.pʰaṭʼámʔvpoke, disturb by poking (hornetsʼ nest)pl.*pʰaṭʼatam*pʰiṭʼampref.pʰiṭʼámʔvstir up a swarm. with the side of a long objectcf*pʰitʼe·l*pʰiṭʼan 2*pʰiṭʼa·*pʰiʔṭʼaš*pʰiʔṭʼawʔduc*pʰuṭʼampref.pʰuṭʼámʔvstir up nest (perhaps by fire)*ṭʼam4pref.ṭʼámʔvstir up a swarm, not necessarily get stung without agentive meaning; best translated as passive or intransitive
*ṭʼam3-v-instrflash, spark*siṭʼampref.-vflash*siṭʼamacʼrefl.siṭʼamáʔvflash (light), spark; flash on and off
*ṭʼam4ṭʼámʔvstir up a swarm, not necessarily get stung without agentive meaning; best translated as passive or intransitivecoʔo cúhse mala·to· coʔo ʔem ṭʼamʔthe bees swarmed around the beehive1.6.4.1Animal movementPrefixed:Ø-*ṭʼam2