Kashaya - English


*dacahciPlural of*dahcacbe brushy
*dacahlimdacáhlimʔPlural of*dahcalhmabe standing bare-branched
*dacahtimdacáhtimʔPlural of*dahcambe bushy
*dacedacéwv1grab with the hand, catch hand on something; capture, take someone prisoner; hold onto (cloth, stick, glass); keep somebody from goingcf*dacʰa·2grab or catch something immaterial, e.g., catch a disease, take a job or chancePrefixed:da-*cePlural*dacetdacéʔcomp.cohšo dacemucʼhand in hand, holding handsabs.cohšo dacemucʼhand in hand, holding handsqahsil dacewph. v.qahsíl dacewvcatch coldqʼoʔo daceph. v.qʼoʔo dácewvtake the songcf*baʔsʼa*dacecʼrefl.dacéʔvhold to self; take what is handed to oneselfpl.*daceticʼdacetíʔcahno dacetiʔ yacn.p.cahno dácetiʔ yaʔntape recorder
*dacecʼdacéʔvhold to self; take what is handed to oneselfReflexive of*dacePlural*daceticʼdacetíʔcahno dacetiʔ yacn.p.cahno dácetiʔ yaʔntape recorder
*dacehlim1dacéhlimʔPlural of*dahcelhmaspan with hands
*dacelʔtadacélʔtawPlural of*dahcelhciget blocked by hand
*dacemucʼvhold (hands), marry
*dacetdacéʔPlural of*dacegrab, capturegrab or catch something immaterial
*daceticʼdacetíʔPlural of*dacecʼhold to self
*dacitaddacitá·duPlural of*dahciroll to weave together
*dacodacówvbe crushing with the hand, (horse) crush by pawingPrefixed:da-*co1Plural*dacotdacóʔ
*dacola·taddacolá·taduPlural of*daco·lfluff with hand
*dacoli·tadPlural of*daco·licbe fluffed outbe full moonfull (moon)
*dacotdacóʔPlural of*dacobe crushing with hand
*daco·ldacolʔ´vfluff the surface layer with the hand; spread out (acorns) to dry; be spread outPrefixed:da-*co·l2Plural*dacola·taddacolá·tadu*daco·lmaessivedacolmáwvbe lined fluffily by handʔime dacolmawcomp.abs.ʔime dácolmawadjsoft, fluffy fur (like a Persian cat)
*daco·licdaco·líʔ1vbe fluffed out. with the hand (palm), paw; by waves2v(the moon) to be full3adjfull (speaking of the moon); by extension, a full moonqʼala·ša daco·liʔfull moonPrefixed:da-*co·licPlural*dacoli·taddaco·liʔ cʰulicomp.daco·líʔ cʰulintide at the full moonqʼala·ša daco·liccomp.abs.qʼala·ša dáco·liʔnfull moon*daco·licʰqacaus.vfluff
*daco·licʰqavfluffCausative of*daco·lic
daco·liʔ cʰulidaco·líʔ cʰulintide at the full moonCompound:*daco·lic*cʰuli
*daco·lmadacolmáwvbe lined fluffily by handEssive of*daco·lʔime dacolmawcomp.abs.ʔime dácolmawadjsoft, fluffy fur (like a Persian cat)
*dacudacumdacudácumʔPlural of*dahcuhcuclawing
*dacʰacdacʰáʔvsteal, snatch away, kidnapthis irregular Semelfactive root occurs only with /da-/Semelfactive of*dacʰa·Plural*dacʰaciddacʰací·dunaṭa dacʰaci·du yaccomp.naṭa dácʰaci·du yaʔnthief, one who keeps stealing thingsdacʰaʔ šocph. v.dacʰáʔ šoʔveavesdropsyndiʔboʔto· šoc
*dacʰaciddacʰací·duPlural of*dacʰacsteal