kʼabaʔ nopʰotʰqawkʼabaʔ nopʰótʰqawna child's game in which madrone leaves are used as dollsThe bigger the leaf, the older the family member it represented. Those with pointed tips were the males; with rounded tips, the females.Compound:kʼaba·ṭ*nopʰotʰqa
kʼabaʔ qaʔṭʼeʔṭʼewkʼabaʔ qaʔṭʼéʔṭʼewna child’s game in which madrone leaves are folded and bitten to create symmetric designs when unfolded. The prettiest is chosen and others try to guess how it was madeNominal Phrase:kʼaba·ṭ*qaʔṭʼeʔṭʼe
kʼaba·ṭkʼabaʔ´nmadroneArbutus Menziesii (Heath Family)An infusion of the bark was used to treat bleeding, ulcers, tonsillitis, syphilis and bladder trouble.kʼabaʔ nopʰotʰqawcomp.kʼabaʔ nopʰótʰqawna child's game in which madrone leaves are used as dollskʼabaʔ qaʔṭʼeʔṭʼewn.p.kʼabaʔ qaʔṭʼéʔṭʼewna child’s game in which madrone leaves are folded and bitten to create symmetric designs when unfolded. The prettiest is chosen and others try to guess how it was madekʼabaʔ mal liloc.kʼabáʔ mal liplaceMadrone Beach: a beach slightly south of Stewarts Pt.
*kʼahša-v-redmake sound of dry leaves; sneak aroundalways frequentative*kʼahšamessivevsneak, spook*kʼahšakʼahšafreq.kʼahšakʼáhšawv-redmake sound of dry leaves; be emitting repeated or continuing rustling sounds; sneakalways frequentative
*kʼahšakʼahšakʼahšakʼáhšawv-redmake sound of dry leaves; be emitting repeated or continuing rustling sounds; sneakalways frequentativeFrequentative of*kʼahša
*kʼal2-v-instrlight go off, become dim, extinguish, die downsyn*hlakʼatrefl.*sikʼalicʼ(light) go out, (fire) die down*sikʼalpref.sikʼálʔvlight go off, become dim, extinguish, die down*sikʼalʔhayder.sikʼálʔhaynfirewood that does not burn well, that lets a fire go out*sikʼalcismlf.sikʼálciwvfire to die down, light to go out*sikʼalcihqacaus.sikʼálcihqawvlet a fire die down, turn a light off*sikʼalicʼrefl.sikʼalíʔv(light) go out, (fire) die down*sikʼalsikʼalfreq.-vflicker; fade away*sikʼalsikʼahlaqacdir.sikʼálsikʼahlaqaʔvlights repeatedly fading moving upward*sikʼalsikʼalicʼrefl.sikʼálsikʼaliʔvflicker or repeatedly fade away, many scattered fires die down or lights go off; (car lights) burning here and there, barely seencf*silakʼa·ticʼ 1
*kʼala-v-instrbe of hoarse voice; half-whispering, barely talking, with bad coldoccurs with R*kʼalakʼalafreq.kʼalakʼálaw1vsound hoarse (of voice only)cf*sʼalalam*sʼalasʼala2adjhoarse (of voice only)