Kashaya - English


qaqa´Free Variant ofqayʔPol.Req
*qa-n-kingrandmother: mother's mother2.6.5.2Woman4., grandmotherqa·sʼenʔ1stqa·sʼénʔn-kinmy, our grandmother: mother's mothercfka·kanʔmaqa·sʼmiqa·sʼmiya·qa·sʼfr. var.qa·sʼedeobj.qa·sʼetoben.qa·sʼenʔkʰeloc.qa·sʼetoʔnavoc.qa·sʼeqa·sʼedeka·kanʔ1st inf.ka·kánʔn-kinmy, our grandmother: mother's mother (informal: grandma, granny)cfmaqa·sʼmiqa·sʼmiya·qa·sʼqa·sʼenʔobj.ka·katoben.ka·kanʔkʰeloc.ka·katoʔnavoc.ka·kamiqa·sʼ2ndmiqasʼ´n-kinyour grandmother: mother's mothercfka·kanʔmaqa·sʼmiya·qa·sʼqa·sʼenʔobj.miqa·sʼelben.miqa·sʼeʔkʰeloc.miqa·sʼeʔnacom.miqasʼe·yimiya·qa·sʼ3rdmiyá·qasʼn-kinhis, her, their grandmother: mother's mothercfka·kanʔmaqa·sʼmiqa·sʼqa·sʼenʔobj.miya·qa·sʼelben.miya·qa·sʼeʔkʰeloc.miya·qa·sʼeʔnamaqa·sʼ3rd refl.maqasʼ´n-kinhis, her, their own grandmother: mother's mothercfka·kanʔmiqa·sʼmiya·qa·sʼqa·sʼenʔobj.maqa·sʼelben.maqa·sʼeʔkʰeloc.maqa·sʼeʔnacom.maqasʼe·yi
qa-qapref-instrpfxbetween two strongly opposed forces. The most common translations are: ‘with the teeth, by chewing, by eating (chewed food, as contrasted with {bi-} for soft foods and {si-} for liquids)’ph. v.*huʔuy qaṭʼahqawinkn.p.*cawikʰ qaṭʰaṭʰqa·liwhat you pry nails out with; wrench, screwdriver, pliers, etc.pref.*qabetgrope, feel for something unseen which is not known for sure to be present, with mouth, while eating*qabe·lface be long and thin*qacegrab with the teeth or between the knees, with pliers, with wrench, with scissors, etc.*qacʰa·hold in teeth (like a clothes pin); hook (salmon) and hang it from teeth*qacʰi·ṭsuck out (disease or pain)*qacʼi·ṭchew together different things*qacʼo·transform by chewing, chew something to shape it with teeth*qacʼo·mbite in two pieces; bite off (a piece of celery); chew off (in plural)*qacʼo·qbite through with one toothstick self in mouth (with bone or something sharp)*qacʼo·ṭcut off ends with scissors or teeth*qacʼu·lbite so hard that it hurts; by extension, eat a lot (of food)*qadusplice*qaduwbite off strip, piece cleanlyqahceceath withaccompanying food, food variety*qahcenh?shelter?*qahcʰa1pull over with the teeth (as a dog might do)*qahcʰotbe too full to finish eating*qahkilhciprevent from closing: block two objects from coming together, such as a door and frame; also, be blocked*qahkʰocatch moving object with mouth (as dog with ball)*qahlodetach, by the teeth*qahlokʼflop with teeth*qahludknock off with teeth; be biting off*qahluṭʼbite off and drop it*qahlu·cspill or get out of container with teeth*qahmoywork (the food); not actually chew*qahmu·lnot eat all the food; leave some food for others*qahpʰoṭ(dog) shake something held in the teeth (nothing need come off)*qahpʰupuff on, smoke (a pipe or cigarette)*qahpʰukʼutbite into something soft (fat pie, marshmallow, butter, cake)*qahpʰulthresh, winnow, blow away the skinwinnow*qahqaget used to eating*qahqalhremove from the surface with the teeth; by caustic lye, bleach*qahqoṭolbe unable to chew something up*qahqʰalhgraze, brush against with teeth, as when a dog snaps at someone but does not bite*qahsitmake little pieces, strips with teeth; break off with teeth*qahsokʼotspurt by biting*qahsommess up by eating (i.e., eating decoration on pretty cake)*qahsutcut in pieces with scissors*qahšanbe springy, spongy, resilient when eaten or chewed, for example a marshmallow*qahšeneve refuse to eat, always eatqahšoraw, especially of food or something to be eaten*qahšokʼotbite something so soft that teeth go in easily*qahšolhcome loose, release from teeth*qahšukʼuṭsink into with the teeth; bite into*qahtaytaste by chewing; get a taste of something*qahtošhave thick, puffed up face (but not of cheeks); face get bigger*qahtʰafinish eating fast*qahṭekeyeface distorted*qahwisink teeth into something that is soft but has some resistance, such as fruit, especially if teeth get stuck as a result; teeth be stuck in*qaki·lswing something held in teeth, as a dog*qako·lspin (of heavy object) between forces: with the teeth, by chewing, eating*qaku·lmouth, cheeks bulge*qaku·ṭhorse to eat leaves off tree*qakʰekʰeṭpull out a string with the teeth*qakʰu·lfeel rough-textured to teeth, i.e., while eating*qakʼalopen slightly between forces: with the teeth, by chewing, eating*qakʼisscratch lightly with the teeth*qakʼi·cut or scratch something living sufficently to cause bleeding, using teeth*qakʼo·ṭgnaw away*qalacmiss biting; fail to bite*qali·tmove circularly, move through a medium (air, water) in an arc, with teeth*qalurub with teeth*qamhmicbe sure to taste right*qaminotice a different taste*qana·brush (plant) covers; cover with brush (plant)heal, esp. of injury or wound; wound to scar over*qanebite*qane·soak*qapabe pressed in tight in an area; fill area by being packed tightly*qapašci??*qapo·šblister (from pressure)blister (from pressure)*qapʰa·lcover area of face near mouth; cover mouth, lips, or chin (esp. of facial hair)*qapʰutspit out, expectorate*qapʰu·spout from blowhole (of whale)*qapʼiltaste or feel slick*qaqʰaldrag (something) with teeth*qaqʰaqʰaṭscrape with the teeth or between two forces*qaqʰa·detach with teeth, bite off; cut with scissors*qaqʰa·ṭtaste good (of something chewed)*qaqʼa·sscratch and make a streak with the teeth*qaqʼa·ṭremove layer with teeth; gnaw or pick meat off bone*qasa·dmove several objects along with the teeth, with the mouth*qasedislike chewing*qase·lclean or clear by chewing*qaso·lrinse out mouth; swirl water in mouth to rinse*qasuscratch several with teeth deeply enough to make a mark or to remove some of the surface*qasʼa·break with teeth; break between two forces*qasʼa·lsqueeze out liquid by biting, or by applying pressure from two sides as with a wringer or a press*qasʼuyget pointed, have corners, be angled, pointed*qatašcrush between two opposing forces*qaṭa·nflipped up*qaṭi·šbe bloated, stretched tight, from eating; clothes stretch tight due to body being bloated*qaṭʼanbruise between two opposing forces; catch (finger) in door enough to turn purple*qawa·dchew, especially gum but also food*qawoṭ(washing machine) agitate, stir up (clothes)*qayaʔtahelp eat, share food*qayimake scratch along skin with tooth, make bleed; gouge or slash with teeth*qaʔbabe cracking open with the teeth*qaʔcʼababreak by biting*qaʔcʼetbite off piece (of apple)*qaʔcʼonbite off*qaʔdenbite; pierce with teeth*qaʔkʼacrack with teeth*qaʔkʼiṭbite off a small piece*qaʔkʼo1bite against something hard while chewing; bump teeth on grit*qaʔkʼufinish biting, chewing, eating chewed food*qaʔlubarely hold between two forces*qaʔne·cicʼget used to eating*qaʔpʼanhcover between two forces*qaʔqʼactighten with a key, wrench, screwdriver, or other toolstuff oneself eating*qaʔsʼilsqueeze and make squirt*qaʔsʼobe dentedqaʔsʼowrinkled, crumpled, dented, smashed up (metal) between two forcessour look on face*qaʔsʼušhave projecting point face (beard); face be narrow and pointed; cut paper into point (with scissors)*qaʔtʰušhaving short, round face*qaʔtʰušhaving short, round face*qaʔtʼem2be poisoned by taboo food; eating in improper manner or at wrong time (breaking taboo)*qaʔṭʼahold between two objects*qaʔṭʼawʔduceat to death*qaʔṭʼespot or stain with the teeth, by biting*qaʔṭʼubutsink teeth into something soft (grapes, bread)smlf.*qaʔsʼaʔsʼaccrush so that the contents are squeezed or forced out (not necessarily something messy); can apply to an animal, or to a tin can or wooden boxincep.*qaṭʼu·sibicface become narrow; have a narrow face*qabo·kʼpref.-vbe bulging with cheeks*qabo·kʼibicdir.vbe bulging with cheekscf*qabo·šma*qahtoš*qatuqatuc*qatušpl.*qabohkʼibicqabóhkʼibiʔfr. var.*qabu·kʼibic*qabo·špref.-vcheeks be puffed up, be enlarged insubstantially*qabo·šmaessiveqabošmáwvcheeks be puffed up, be enlarged insubstantiallycf*qabo·kʼibic*qahtoš*qatuqatuc*qatušpl.*qabohšimqabóhšimʔ*qabo·šcismlf.qabošcíwvcheeks be puffed up, be enlarged insubstantiallyrequires essive -ma or semelfactive -ci*qacopref.qacówvbe crushing, smashing, breaking solids into several coarse pieces with the teeth; i.e., chew thoroughly; crush with machinerypl.*qacotqacóʔ*qacʼalpref.qacʼálʔvseparate but remain attached by with the teethpl.*qacʼaltaqacʼáltaw*qacʼepref.-v-redtake chew*qacʼeqacʼefreq.qacʼeqácʼewv-redtake many quick chewsalways frequentativealways frequentative*qahcawpref.-veat with*qahcawaddur.qahcawá·duveat one thing with anothersyn*qahyolqahcec 1pl. agt.*qahcawacʼ*qahcohcopref.qahcóhcowv1tenderize with a meat-grinder2chew (food)pl.*qahcoqacotadqahcoqácota·du*qahcʰa2pref.-v-redchew in piece*qahcʰahcʰaiter.-v-redchew to pieces*qahcʰahcʰacsmlf.qahcʰáhcʰaʔv-redchew (dry toast) to piecespl.*qahcʰaqacʰatadqahcʰaqácʰata·dualways reduplicatedalways reduplicated*qahcʰocpref.-v-redchew up*qahcʰohcʰociter.qahcʰóhcʰoʔv-redwear out something by chewingalways reduplicated*qahcʰoqahcʰocfreq.qahcʰoqáhcʰoʔv-redwear out something by chewingalways reduplicatedalways reduplicated*qahcʰupref.-v-redchew in piece*qahcʰuhcʰuiter.qahcʰúhcʰuwv-redchew something (e.g., mealy apple, crackers) to piecessyn*qahsuhsualways reduplicated*qahcʰuqahcʰufreq.qahcʰuqáhcʰuwv-redchew something (e.g., mealy apple, crackers) to piecesalways reduplicatedalways reduplicated*qahkopref.-v-redmove loosely while chewing*qahkohkoiter.qahkóhkowv-redtooth to move loosely while chewingalways reduplicated*qahkoqahkofreq.qahkoqáhkowv-redtooth to move loosely while chewingalways reduplicatedalways reduplicated*qahkolhpref.-vloosen by biting*qahkolhmaessiveqahkólhmawvloosen by biting*qahkotpref.-vwear down by chewing or between opposing forces*qahkotʰcismlf.qahkótʰciwvwear down to nothing by chewing or between opposing forces*qahkʰupref.-v-redcrumble with teeth*qahkʰuhkʰuiter.qahkʰúhkʰuwv-redcrumble with teethalways reduplicatedalways reduplicated*qahlicpref.-v-rednibble off piece*qahlihliiter.qahlíhliwv-rednibble off several pieces; cut partly with scissors with several cutscf*qaʔcʼoʔcʼoalways reduplicatedalways reduplicated*qahlupref.-v-redcut in piece by biting*qahluhluiter.qahlúhluwv-redcut to pieces by bitingalways reduplicatedalways reduplicated*qahmopref.-v-redwork food with mouth*qahmohmoiter.qahmóhmowv-redwork food with mouthalways reduplicatedalways reduplicated*qahpolhpref.qahpólʔvgush by bitingpl.*qahpola·tadqahpolá·tadu*qahponpolopref.-vmake swollen by biting*qahponpolocsmlf.qahpónpoloʔvmake swollen by biting*qahpʰapref.-v-redsink in by chewing*qahpʰahpʰaiter.qahpʰáhpʰawv-redsink in by chewing, chewing something not crispy (like damp cracker)always reduplicatedalways reduplicated*qahpʰatʼpref.-vflop, go flat between forces*qahpʰatʼcismlf.qahpʰátʼciwvflop, go flat between forcespl.*qapʰahtʼiqapʰáhtʼiw*qahpʰopref.-v-redshake thing held in teeth*qahpʰohpʰoiter.qahpʰóhpʰowv-redshake something held teeth, repeatedlysyn*qahpʰoṭ*qaʔliʔlipl.*qahpʰoqapʰo*qahpʰoqapʰotadqahpʰoqápʰota·dualways reduplicatedalways reduplicated*qahpʰuṭpref.-vbe unable to finish eating*qahpʰuṭaydir.qahpʰuṭáyʔvbe unable to finish eating*qahqʰapref.-v-reddrag in teeth*qahqʰahqʰaiter.qahqʰáhqʰawv-redbarely to taste what is chewedalways reduplicated*qahqʰaqahqʰafreq.qahqʰaqahqʰawv-reddrag in teethalways reduplicatedalways reduplicated*qahsapref.qahsáwv-hndplace several objects with the mouth; set down several objects with the mouth; move several objects with the teethsg.*qaʔdi*qahsamessiveqahsámʔv-hndhave or hold several objects in the teeth, in the mouthsg.*qaʔdim*qasa·bicdir.qasa·bíʔ1v-hndlift several objects with the teeth, with the mouthsg.*qade·bic2vsuck (pain) out*qasa·ladir.qasa·láwv-hndlower several objects with the teethsg.*qada·la1*qahsipref.-vshred with teeth, scissors*qahsihsiiter.qahsíhsiwvshred or rip to pieces with teeth or scissors*qahsihsicsmlf.qahsíhsiʔvrip with teethtypically with semelfactive*qahsupref.-vchew in piece*qahsuhsuiter.qahsúhsuwvchew to piecessyn*qahcʰuhcʰu*qahšapref.-v-reddisarrange with teeth*qahšahšaiter.qahšáhšawv-reddisarrange, mess up, with teeth, when eatingalways reduplicatedalways reduplicated *qahtenhpref.qahténʔve ready for chewing*qahtʰopref.-vnibble hole or piece off*qahtʰohtʰoiter.-vnibble holes or pieces off*qahtʰohtʰocsmlf.qahtʰóhtʰoʔv(mice) nibble holes or pieces off*qahṭʰapref.qahṭʰáwvopen something with the teeth, such as a bottlepl.*qaṭʰatqaṭʰáʔ*qahwatʼpref.qahwáʔvflop, disintegrate, lose tenseness, tone, collapse, between forces: with the teeth, by chewing, eating*qahwatʼmaessiveqahwátʼmawvflop*qahwatʼcismlf.qahwátʼciwvflop*qahwaṭʰpref.qahwáʔvhave wide, fat face*qahwelpref.qahwélʔvdawdle while eating; eat slowly, interminablywith negative*qahye·pref.qahyew´vfinish eating, stop chewing or eatingpl.*qayetqayéʔ*qahyolpref.qahyólʔvmix by eating; eat multiple foods together; combine foods in order to eat them; chew several things togethersyn*hcaw*qahcawadqahcec 1cf*qawoṭpl.*qayolaqqayoláʔ*qahyo·csmlf.qahyoʔ´vmix by eating; mix foods together in order to eat; eat several foods together*qahyupref.-v-redcrush between forces*qahyuhyuiter.qahyúhyuwv-redcrush, break into little pieces betwee forces, i.e., with a grinderalways reduplicatedalways reduplicated*qahyutpref.qahyúʔvbreak something crumbly with teeth*qaki·mpref.-vstretch with teeth*qaki·mmaessiveqakimmáwvstretch with teeth*qaki·mcismlf.qakimcíwvstretch something while holding it with the teeth*qakʼi·špref.-vgrate teeth*qakʼišicʼrefl.qakʼišíʔvgnash or grate one'€™s teeth (several times)pl.*qakʼihšiqakʼíhšiw*qakʼuspref.qakʼúsvbe narrow between to forces*qalepref.-v-redforget while eating*qaleqalefreq.qaleqálewv-redforget while eating; exclude by eatingpl.*qaleqalewadqaleqálewa·du*qaleqalecsmlf.qaleqáleʔvforget while eatingpl.*qaleqalewadqaleqálewa·dualways frequentative, usually with semelfactive -c or semelfactive and reflexive -c-icʼ > -yicʼalways frequentative*qalopref.-v-redgargle*qaloqalofreq.qaloqálowv-redgargle, rinse out mouthalways frequentativealways frequentative*qaqolpref.qaqólʔvstroke between two forcespl.*qaqola·tadqaqolá·tadu*qasu·lpref.-vlong narrow face*qasu·lmaessive-vlong narrow face*qasu·lmawabs.qasulmáwadjlong and narrow (of the whole face)synqaṭʼu·smawcf*ṭʼi·sqa·ṭʼusṭʼusu*qasʼihcpref.-vzigzag*qasʼihcismlf.qasʼíhciwvzigzag (design)*qati·tpref.qatiʔ´vroll (dough with rolling pin)cf*dati·tpl.*qatihtiqatíhtiw*qatupref.-v-redstuff with teeth*qatuqatufreq.-v-redstuff with teeth*qatuqatucsmlf.qatuqátuʔv-redstuff with the teeth, between the teethcf*qabo·kʼibic*qabo·šma*qahtoš*qatušalways frequentativealways frequentative*qatušpref.qatúšvcheeks swell with food; jowls bulgingcf*qabo·kʼibic*qabo·šma*qahtoš*qatuqatucqa·tuštušutempl.qa·túštušuadj-ideoswollen facecfqa·bošbošoqa·toštošo*qatʼatpref.qatʼáʔv1talk about, talk idly; talk about, jaw, bat gums, bat aroundsyn*di·cʼiduwad 12chatter*qatʼulpref.qatʼúlʔvbite to squeeze out insidespl.*qatʼuhliqatʼúhliw*qaṭʰaṭpref.qaṭʰáʔvpry out with tool, e.g., screwdriver, pliers, etc*qaṭʰopref.qaṭʰówvpeel in pieces with the teeth (oranges, apples, or tomatoes; spitting out peelings)syn*qaṭʼo·pl.*qaṭʰowa·taqqaṭʰowá·taʔ*qaṭʼa·pref.qaṭʼaw´vbe smashed by anything; must pop – noise or inside come out (n.d.); get caught in trap; be trapped; catch (finger) in doorcf*qasʼa·*qataš*qaṭʼan*qaʔṭʼapl.*qalaṭʼa1qalaṭʼáw*huʔuy qaṭʼahqaph. v.huʔú· qaṭʼahqawvwinkpl.*huʔuy qalaṭʼahqahuʔú· qalaṭʼahqawqalaṭʼa·liinstr.qalaṭʼá·lintrap to catch an animal*qaṭʼo·pref.qaṭʼow´vpeel whole thing with teeth or between two other forces; peel in one piecesyn*qaṭʰopl.*qaloṭʼoqaloṭʼów*qaṭʼowad*qaʔṭʼowad*qaṭʼupref.qaṭʼúwvsink teeth into; bite*qaṭʼunpref.qaṭʼúnʔvtaste slimy; (food) feel slimy in the mouth when eating it*qaṭʼu·spref.-vnarrow (face)*qaṭʼu·smaessive-vnarrow (of face)qaṭʼu·smawabs.qaṭʼusmáwadjsmall-faced, with a narrow, small chin, not so longsyn*qasu·lmaw*qawaṭʰpref.qawáʔvweaken or break with teeth*qawaypref.qawáyʔvawaken with the teeth, by biting (as fleas do)pl.*qawayʔtaqawáyʔtaw*qaya·mpref.qayamʔ´vbe unable to chew (because it's too tough); be unable to finish eatingpl.*qayama·taqqayamá·taʔonly with negative suffix*qayepref.-vmove or hold something in the teeth*qayemessiveqayémʔvhold in teeth and prevent from movingcf*qace*qacʰa·*qanepl.*qayehtimqayéhtimʔ*qaye·ddir.qaye·du´vmove something in the teeth; carry something along holding it in the teethpl.*qayehtadqayéhtaduoccurs with Essive or Directional suffix*qaye·lpref.qayelʔ´vchew slowly, moving lips at the same time*qaʔbalhpref.-vturn with wrench*qaʔbalhcismlf.qaʔbálhciwvturn with wrench, screwdrivercf*qaʔqʼac 1pl.*qabahlicqabáhliʔcawikʰ qabahlimuliʔlin.p.cawíkʰ qabáhlimuliʔlinwrenchcf*cawikʰ qaṭʰaṭʰqa·licawikʰ duqʼahcihqa·licawikʰ qaqʼahcihqa·licawikʰ qaʔbala·duʔlin.p.cawikʰ qaʔbalá·duʔlinscrewdriversyncawikʰ duqʼahcihqa·li*qaʔbopref.-v-redbite pieces off crisp*qaʔboʔboiter.qaʔbóʔbow1v-redbite on repeatedly and many small pieces come off; eat something crispy2adjcrisp, crispy (of food such as crackers, potato chips)pl.*qaʔboqabotadqaʔboqábota·dualways reduplicatedalways reduplicated*qaʔbupref.-v-redchew with mouth closed*qaʔbuqaʔbufreq.qaʔbuqáʔbuwv-redchew with the mouth closed. The only sign of the internal activity is through movements of the jaw and cheekspl.*qaʔbuqabutqaʔbuqábuʔ*qaʔbuqaʔbumalways frequentativealways frequentative*qaʔcʼepref.-vnibble on*qaʔcʼeqacʼeredup.qaʔcʼeqácʼewvnibble on*qaʔcʼopref.-vgnaw in piece*qaʔcʼoʔcʼoiter.qaʔcʼóʔcʼowv-redgnaw to pieces, chew up, cut to pieces with scissorscf*qahlihli*qaʔcʼolh1*qaʔcʼoʔcʼocunspec. comp. formqaʔcʼóʔcʼoʔvgnaw to piecesusually with semelfactive -c*qaʔdipref.qaʔdíwv-hnd[with a directional-locational suffix] move with the mouth or teeth; [without a suffix] stop performing this action: put with the mouth; set down with the mouthpl.*qahsa*qade·bicʰqader.caus.qade·bícʰqawvpry up*qaʔdimessiveqaʔdímʔv-hndhave or hold in the teeth, in the mouthpl.*qahsam*qaʔdicsmlf.qaʔdíʔvpick up an object with the teeth; grab with the teeth*qaʔdi·ndur.qaʔdinʔ´vbite??*qada·la1dir.qada·láwv-hndlower something with the teeth, with the mouthpl.*qasa·la*qade·bicdir.qade·bíʔv-hndlife something in the teethpl.*qasa·bic 1*qade·ddir.qade·du´v-hndmove something along with the teeth, with the mouthpl.*qasa·dpl. agt.*qade·cʼ*qaʔkʼayʔpref.-vget caught in teeth*qaʔkʼayʔcismlf.-vget caught in teeth*qaʔkʼayʔcicʼrefl.qaʔkʼáyʔciʔv(food) get caught in one's teethpl.*qakʼahcicʼqakʼáhciʔ*qaʔkʼipref.-vgnaw*qaʔkʼiʔkʼiiter.qaʔkʼíʔkʼiwv-red(rat) gnaw almost all the way through (a rope)cf*qaʔkʼiṭpl.*qaʔkʼiqakʼitadqaʔkʼiqákʼita·du*qaʔkʼiʔkʼicsmlf.qaʔkʼíʔkʼiʔvgnaw almost all way throughusually with semelfactive -c*qaʔkʼo2pref.-v-redchop*qaʔkʼoʔkʼoiter.-v-redchop away*qaʔkʼoʔkʼocsmlf.qaʔkʼóʔkʼoʔv-redchop away (at a tree to notch it)cf*qakʼo·ṭalways reduplicatedalways reduplicated*qaʔlawʔpref.-vgrab quickly between opposing forces, such as with the teeth or mouth (of cat, dog); eat quickly, such as without chewing*qaʔlawʔcismlf.qaʔláwʔciwvgrab quickly between opposing forces, such as with the teeth or mouth (of cat, dog); eat quickly, such as without chewingsyn*cuʔlawʔcirequires semelfactive*qaʔlipref.-v-redswing something in mouth*qaʔliʔliiter.qaʔlíʔliwv-red(dog) swing something in mouthsyn*qahpʰohpʰo*qahpʰoṭcf*qali·tfr. var.qahpʰoqahpʰowalways reduplicatedalways reduplicated*qaʔpʼopref.-v-redeat up*qaʔpʼoʔpʼoiter.-v-redeat up*qaʔpʼoʔpʼocsmlf.qaʔpʼóʔpʼoʔv-redeat up everything; eat (a house) out (of all its food)syn*qaʔkʼupl.*qaʔpʼoqapʼotadqaʔpʼoqápʼota·dualways reduplicatedalways reduplicated*qaʔsʼi2pref.-v-redbat eyelids*qaʔsʼiʔsʼiiter.qaʔsʼíʔsʼiwv-redbat eyelids, eyelids twitch; eye (lids) move repeatedlycf*siʔṭi*sʼuṭusʼuṭusiʔṭipl.*qaʔsʼiqasʼitalways reduplicatedalways reduplicated*qaʔsʼoqpref.qaʔsʼóʔvgrind, mash between forces (meat-grinder), with the teethcf*qaʔsʼopl.*qasʼotʰqoqasʼótʰqowbihše qaʔsʼoqn.p.bihše qáʔsʼoʔnhamburgerkoci·na qaʔsʼoqn.p.koci·na qáʔsʼoʔnsausage*qaʔsʼulhpref.qaʔsʼúlʔvhave a narrow muzzleqa·sʼulsʼutempl.qa·sʼúlsʼuadj-ideonarrow of muzzle, mouth (like a collie)*qaʔtʼapref.qaʔtʼáwvtaste (as experienced by chewing), taste (said of a solid food)pl.*qatʼatad*qaʔtʼepref.qaʔtʼéwvstick on between two forces, with the teethpl.*qatʼetqatʼéʔ*qaʔtʼekelepref.-vmash with teeth*qaʔtʼekelecsmlf.qaʔtʼekéleʔvmash (can) with teeth (not nec. flat)*qaʔtʼelpref.qaʔtʼélʔvdoubtpl.*qaʔtʼela·tad*qaʔtʼem1pref.qaʔtʼémʔvfeel by chewing, with the teethpl.*qatʼehtimqatʼéhtimʔ*qaʔtʼemqacaus.vpick out (bones in foot) while chewing, in the process of chewingpl.*qatʼehtimqaqatʼéhtimqaw*qaʔtʼentʼelepref.qaʔtʼéntʼelewvcrumple, make out of shape between two forces*qaʔtʼutʰupref.qaʔtʼutʰúwvsqueeze between two forces; decrease inside spacepl.*qatʼutʰuqatʼutʰúw*qaʔṭupref.qaʔṭʼúwvbite edgepl.*qaʔṭut*qaʔṭʼašpref.-vclose jaw*qaʔṭʼašcismlf.qaʔṭʼášciwvbring teeth together and close jaw tightpl.*qaṭʼahšciqaṭʼáhšciw*qaʔṭʼaṭpref.qaʔṭʼáʔvcrack (nuts) with teeth but not so can see in or anything come out*qaʔṭʼenṭʼelepref.qaʔṭʼénṭʼelewvflatten between two forces; drive over*qaʔṭʼeʔṭʼepref.qaʔṭʼéʔṭʼewvgnaw; like monkey, dog, to bite around on body (for lice)pl.*qaʔṭʼeqaṭʼehtiqaʔṭʼeqáṭʼehtiwkʼabaʔ qaʔṭʼeʔṭʼewn.p.kʼabaʔ qaʔṭʼéʔṭʼewna child’s game in which madrone leaves are folded and bitten to create symmetric designs when unfolded. The prettiest is chosen and others try to guess how it was made*qaʔṭʼeqaʔṭʼefreq.vbite around*qaʔwipref.-vgnaw*qaʔwiʔwiiter.qaʔwíʔwiwvgnaw (on a bone); twist or rub with the teethpl.*qaʔwiqawitadqaʔwiqáwita·du*qaʔya·qpref.qaʔyáʔvrecognize taste of chewed food or feel of chewing gum*qa·ṭʰešpref.-vwide-facedqa·ṭʰešṭʰešetempl.qa·ṭʰéšṭʰešeadj-ideowide-faced ?syn*kʰešpi·ṭʰešṭʰešeqalopref.qalo´adjnot soaked soft enough; unleached, uncured (of acorns or olives)fr. var.qaluqaʔsʼapref.qaʔsʼa´1adjstinky taste or smell2nlymph, liquid from injurycfmaʔsʼa 1pʰaqaʔsʼacomp.pʰaqáʔsʼanfinal messy nasty diarrhea, fluid which drains out of hanging intestines*qaʔsʼaʔsʼaiter.-vcrush*qaʔsʼaʔsʼacsmlf.qaʔsʼáʔsʼaʔvcrush so that the contents are squeezed or forced out (not necessarily something messy); can apply to an animal, or to a tin can or wooden box*qaqʼotʼqacaus.vcatch in mouth*qabošaqdir.qabošáʔvpuff out the cheekspl.*qabohšaqqabóhsaʔqa·bokʼbokʼotempl.qa·bókʼbokʼoadj-ideohaving puffed up cheeksfr. var.qa·bukʼbukʼuqa·bošbošotempl.qa·bóšbošoadj-ideohaving puffed up cheeks or a swollen-looking facecfqa·toštošoqa·tuštušufr. var.qa·bošboqa·bušbušuqa·ṭʼusṭʼusutempl.qa·ṭʼúsṭʼusuadj-ideolong and narrow of whole face; small-faced, narrow, small chincf*qasu·lmaw*ṭʼi·s
-qa1qavsfxCircumstantial Evidential: the speaker did not see happen what he is telling about but deduced the action from circumstantial evidence; preferred over /-bi/ when the evidence is discovered soon after the action or is incontrovertiblecf-a-do-inna-ya
-qa2qavsfxPsych Verb: verb expressing mental state or emotion when the subject is not first-person
*qabahlicqabáhliʔPlural of*qaʔbalhciturn with wrench
*qaba·cqabaʔ´vcrack (a nut) with the teethSemelfactive of*qaʔba
*qabelqabe·lqabélqabelʔv(sheep) chew with the lips working back and forthFrequentative of*qabe·l
*qabetqabéʔvgrope, feel for something unseen which is not known for sure to be present, with mouth, while eatingPrefixed:qa-*bet1
*qabe·lqabelʔ´vface be long and thinPrefixed:qa-*be·l*qabe·lmaessiveqabelmáwvhave a long narrow jaw*qabelqabe·lfreq.qabélqabelʔv(sheep) chew with the lips working back and forthqa·belʔbetempl.qa·bélʔbeadj-ideosagging (of lips of sheep)
*qabe·lmaqabelmáwvhave a long narrow jawEssive of*qabe·l
*qabohkʼibicqabóhkʼibiʔPlural of*qabo·kʼibicbe bulging with cheeks
*qabohšaqqabóhsaʔPlural of*qabošaqpuff out cheeks
*qabohšimqabóhšimʔPlural of*qabo·šmacheeks be puffed up
*qabošaqqabošáʔvpuff out the cheeksqabošá·qapuff out cheeks!Directional ofqa-*bo·š-aq1Plural*qabohšaqqabóhsaʔ
*qabo·kʼ-vbe bulging with cheeksPrefixed:qa-*bo·kʼ*qabo·kʼibicdir.vbe bulging with cheekscf*qabo·šma*qahtoš*qatuqatuc*qatušpl.*qabohkʼibicqabóhkʼibiʔfr. var.*qabu·kʼibic
*qabo·kʼibicvbe bulging with cheekscf*qabo·šma*qahtoš*qatuqatuc*qatuš2.1.1HeadDirectional of*qabo·kʼ-ibicPlural*qabohkʼibicqabóhkʼibiʔFree Variant*qabu·kʼibic
*qabo·š-vcheeks be puffed up, be enlarged insubstantiallyrequires essive -ma or semelfactive -ciPrefixed:qa-*bo·š*qabo·šmaessiveqabošmáwvcheeks be puffed up, be enlarged insubstantiallycf*qabo·kʼibic*qahtoš*qatuqatuc*qatušpl.*qabohšimqabóhšimʔ*qabo·šcismlf.qabošcíwvcheeks be puffed up, be enlarged insubstantially
*qabo·šciqabošcíwvcheeks be puffed up, be enlarged insubstantiallySemelfactive of*qabo·š-c2
*qabo·šmaqabošmáwvcheeks be puffed up, be enlarged insubstantiallyqabóšmawbe still with cheeks puffed outheʔén mito huʔú·mo qabošcibíwhow your face has swollen!wá·ka ʔem qabošcibíwthe cow has puffed cheekscf*qabo·kʼibic*qahtoš*qatuqatuc*qatušEssive of*qabo·š-m1Plural*qabohšimqabóhšimʔ
*qabu·kʼibicqabuʔ´Free Variant of*qabo·kʼibicbe bulging with cheeks
qaceqace´nstrong ligament, tough gristlecfʔima 12.1.6Bone, joint1.6.2Parts of an animal
*qaceqacéwvgrab with the teeth or between the knees, with pliers, with wrench, with scissors, etc.cf*qacʰa·*qane*qayemPrefixed:qa-*cePlural*qacetqacéʔ*qacecʼrefl.vbite self
*qacecʼvbite selfReflexive of*qace
*qacetqacéʔPlural of*qacegrab with teeth, etc.