7.3.1. Carry

*bahcʰa2bahcʰáwvknock over with the mouth, snout, or beak (as a pig might do)koci·na qʰale báhcʰawThe pig knocked the bush over with its snout. overPrefixed:ba-*hcʰa2Plural*bacʰat1bacʰáʔ
*bane1banéwvthrow a round or otherwise nonlong object and hit something with itciba· tʰin maṭʼqʰa báneye· kʰe ma·kinasomeone hit my car with mudʔacaʔ qʰaʔbe wi banewhe hit the man with a thrown rockcf*hatʼe·l*haṭʼel*haʔṭʼe*šacʼo7.3.1.1Throw7.7.1HitPrefixed:ba-*ne2Plural*banet1banéʔ*bane·ddir.bane·du´v1throw object to location2move object to location
*bane3banéwvput or throw a round or nonlong objectmahtaqánʔtʰin banewe· ma mul pʰiʔkʼo wi mohkʰoyamyou accidentally hit with that ball, ball got caught on somethingsyn*biʔdic 1*hsa1*ne3 1cf*dane*mihca*ne3 1*ʔdaba·ne7.3.1.1ThrowPrefixed:ba-*ne3*bana·la1dir.bana·láwvput (several) down in
*banembanémʔv1fall to groundmulido qʼoʔdi cícʼi·dun walé·pu ʔel ʔiyów banemʔ ʔacaʔ mé·ṭiʔni bakʰe ʔel winalú· to· ʔiw by good luck, the walépu fell underneath; the man from Métini was on top7. in containermensʼin é· mu ʔul mi·li baqʼo tʰin kalikákʰ tol he· cʰiṭú· banemáʔba mul you can put it in something like a piece of paper or a basket7.3.2.6Put in3put, throw (not on ground)banemʔto throw off grounddile· tól banemaput it on the middle !ya·palka haʔdi ʔa banemʔthrow one apple over there7.5.9Put7.3.1.1Throw4pick up or move something that is located on the groundlamé·sa wina· banemy he put it on the tablehaʔal kalikákʰ dihcipʰi lamé·sa tol banemapick up that paper and put it on the table! upEssive of*bane2-m1*banemcicʼrefl.banémciʔvswing back*banembanemfreq.banémbanemʔvbounce
*bane·dbane·du´v1throw object to locationpʰiʔkʼo báne·nʔhe is throwing the ball here7.3.1.1Throw2move object to locationpʰiʔkʼo (ʔem) báne·nʔthe ball is flying hither7.2MoveDirectional of*bane1-ad2
*cukʰe·biccukʰe·bíʔvcarry something, especially in an upward direction while holding the smaller part of a larger object, such as a handle of a wheelbarrowcukʰe·biʔcarry in wheelbarrow or wagon7.3.1CarryDirectional of*cuhkʰe-ibicPlural*cukʰehtibiccukʰéhtibiʔ
*cʰinecʰinéwvcarry with cloth (e.g. headband, blanket)naṭa ʔel ʔatiyá·la wi haʔluʔ cʰinetishe wrapped the baby in the blanket, to hang it on her backsyn*cʰine·c 1cf*cice*cicʰa·7.3.1CarryPrefixed:cʰi-*ne1Plural*cʰinetcʰinéʔ*cʰinecsmlf.cʰinéʔvsling on back
*cʰiye-vhold, carry, move something by holding a handle or a small part of a larger objecthicʼo· mul baʔtʼa cʰíye·du–diṭʼa·sʼuwe ʔhook that egg slowly towards you; it might breakló·ška wi maʔa cʰiyeta·qocʼitake a spoonful of food! syn*cihkʰe*ciqʰal1*cukʰe·d7.3.1CarryPrefixed:cʰi-*ye2*cʰiyemessivecʰiyémʔvhold in place by means of something held by a handlepl.*cʰiyehtimcʰiyéhtimʔ*cʰiye·ddir.cʰiye·du´vmove something toward oneself, or walk along while moving something, by means of a holding handlepl.*cʰiyehtadcʰiyéhtadu
*dibicdibíʔ1v-hndlift up, pick up a nonlong objectsyn*be·bic 1*bide·bic 1*codo·bic 1cf*baʔa·c*dihci*šaʔapl.*dihtibic up2v-hndcarry a nonlong object up, awaypl.*dihtibic 27.3.1Carry3vpitch a song higher (with /qali·/ "high") of sounds4vbecome (worse, of rain)Directional of*di-ibicPlural*dihtibicdíhtibiʔ
*di-v-hndhandle or act on a nonlong object (a rock, a baby, an animal); put, take, hold, carry in hand7.3.4.4Hold7.3.4.2Pick up7.3.1Carryrequires suffix?Plural Movement*dihti-*dima2essivedimáwv-hndhold a nonlong object, including something such as a handkerchief or sheet of paper that requires support underneathsyn*biʔdim1*coʔdom2 1*ʔbem2pl. mvt.*dihtim2díhtimʔqʰaʔbe dimawph. v.qʰaʔbe dímawvkeep the vocal rhythm in Kashaya music*dihcismlf.dihcíwv-hndpick up or take a nonlong object, such as a rockcf*baʔa·c*dibic 1*šaʔapl.*dihticpl.*dihticdíhtiʔ*dihcibicdir.dihcibíʔv-hndpick up a nonlong object, lifting it upward*dihciyicʼrefl.dihciyíʔv-hndpick up a nonlong object (and continue to hold it); hold a nonlong object*dibicdir.dibíʔ1v-hndlift up, pick up a nonlong objectsyn*be·bic 1*bide·bic 1*codo·bic 1cf*baʔa·c*dihci*šaʔapl.*dihtibic 12v-hndcarry a nonlong object up, awaypl.*dihtibic 23vpitch a song higher (with /qali·/ "high")4vbecome (worse, of rain)pl.*dihtibicdíhtibiʔ*diddir.didúv-hnd1carry a nonlong object along (in one direction); take a nonlong object awaypl.*dihtad 12bring a nonlong object toward heresyn*be·d 1*bide·d 1*codo·d 1pl.*dihtad 2pl.*dihtaddíhtadupl. agt.*dicʼ*diducdir.didúʔv-hndcarry a nonlong object far, away to a distancesyn*be·duc*bide·duc*codo·duc 1pl.*dihtaducpl.*dihtaducdíhtaduʔpl. agt.*dicʼic*diladir.diláwv-hndcarry a nonlong object downsyn*be·la*bida·la1*codo·la 1pl.*dihtalapl.*dihtaladíhtalaw*dilamecʼdir.dilaméʔv-hndcarry a nonlong object down off ofsyn*be·lamecʼ*bida·lamecʼ*codo·lamecʼ 1pl.*dihtala·mecʼpl.*dihtala·mecʼdíhtala·meʔ*diloqdir.dilóʔvcarry, bring a nonlong object in the hand up toward heresyn*be·loq*bida·loq*codo·loq 1*diloqocʼdir.diloqóʔv-hndbring a nonlong object up out ofsyn*be·loqocʼ*bida·loqocʼ*codo·loqocʼ 1pl.*dihtalo·qocʼpl.*dihtalo·qocʼdíhtalo·qoʔ*dimdir.dímʔv-hndcarry a nonlong object across or pastsyn*biʔdim2*coʔdom1 1*ʔbem1pl.*dihtim1pl.*dihtim1díhtimʔfr. var.*dima1*dimcismlf.dímciwv-hndtake and hold a nonlong object, for example holding the object to do something with it*dimacdir.dimáʔv-hndcarry a nonlong object in from herewinandimaccomp.winándimaʔngizzard*dimaddir.dimaduv-hndcarry a nonlong object within an enclosed place (house, pasture); at a place identified in the context, enclosed or notsyn*biʔdimad*coʔdomad 1*ʔbemad*dimaducdir.dimadúʔv-hndbring a nonlong object home, to a place, carry to destinationsyn*biʔdima·duc*coʔdoma·duc 1*ʔbema·duc*dimaqocʼdir.dimaqóʔv-hndcarry a nonlong object back a few stepssyn*biʔdima·qocʼ*coʔdoma·qocʼ 1*ʔbema·qocʼ*dimaqʷdir.dimáʔv-hndbring a nonlong object in here*dimuldir.dimúlʔv-hndcarry a nonlong object around to the other sidesyn*biʔdimul*coʔdomul 1*ʔbemul*dimulicʼdir.dimulíʔv-hndcarry a nonlong object around all the waysyn*biʔdimu·licʼ*coʔdomu·licʼ 1*ʔbemu·licʼ*diqdir.díʔv-hndcarry a nonlong object out from here, away*diqacdir.diqáʔv-hndcarry a nonlong object up from heresyn*be·qac*bida·qac*codo·qac 1*diqocʼdir.diqoʔv-hndcarry, take, move a nonlong object out from herepl.*dihtaqocʼpl.*dihtaqocʼdíhtaqoʔ*diqʷdir.díʔv-hnd1bring a nonlong object out toward here2bring a nonlong object northward or westward to here, bring from the south or eastsyn*ba·qʷ 1*bida·qʷ 1*codo·qʷ 1*diccicʼretr.dícciʔdíhciʔv-hndpull back one's hand suddenly, holding a round or other nonlong object, for example after making a motion to hand it to someonecf*beccicʼ*ʔdoccicʼpl.*dihticcicʼpl.*dihticcicʼdíhticciʔ
*diddidúv-hnd1carry a nonlong object along (in one direction); take a nonlong object awayduhwítʰciba ʔul diduhaving selected (an oak ball), he took itku cápa ʔe· ʔa kalikakʰ dinʔwadúI've been carrying the book around for one weekpl.*dihtad 17.3.1Carry7.3.3Take somewhere2bring a nonlong object toward herekacú·ca kʰe diduget my cap!kalikakʰ ma dide hniˇdid you bring the papers (paperwork)?syn*be·d 1*bide·d 1*codo·d 1pl.*dihtad 2Directional of*di-ad2Plural*dihtaddíhtaduPlural Agent*dicʼ
*diducdidúʔv-hndcarry a nonlong object far, away to a distancemulido· ʔul baco· sʼiba ʔul ˉ qʰaṭʰá· wi diduʔ ˆ. Having made the boat he took it off to the gravel beach.syn*be·duc*bide·duc*codo·duc 1pl.*dihtaduc7.3.1Carry8.2.6.1Far7.3.3Take somewhereDirectional of*di-aducPlural*dihtaducdíhtaduʔPlural Agent*dicʼic
*dihti-v-hndhandle or act on several nonlong objects7.3.1CarryPlural Affix-ht*dihtaloqdir.díhtaloʔv-hndbring several nonlong objects up to here*dihtaqdir.díhtaʔv-hnd1carry several nonlong objects out from here, go away2carry several nonlong objects north or west from here*dihtaqacdir.díhtaqaʔv-hndcarry several nonlong objects up from here*dihtaqʷdir.díhtaʔv-hnd1bring several nonlong objects out2bring several nonlong objects northward or westward to here, bring from the south or east*dihtimacdir.díhtimaʔv-hnd1carry several nonlong objects in from here2carry several nonlong objects south or east from here*dihtimaddir.díhtima·duv-hndcarry several nonlong objects within an enclosed place (house, pasture); at a place identified in the context, enclosed or not*dihtimaqʷdir.díhtimaʔv-hnd1bring several nonlong objects in here2bring several nonlong objects southward or eastward to here, bring from the north or west*dihtima·ducdir.díhtima·duʔv-hndbring several nonlong objects home, to a place, carry to destination*dihtima·qocʼdir.díhtima·qoʔv-hndcarry several nonlong objects back a few steps*dihtimuldir.díhtimulʔv-hndcarry several nonlong objects around to the other side*dihtimu·licʼdir.díhtimu·liʔv-hndcarry several nonlong objects around all the way
*diladiláwv-hndcarry a nonlong object downbida· dilátake it down!mišukʰ haʔdi dílayhe took the sack down theresyn*be·la*bida·la1*codo·la 1pl.*dihtala7.3.1Carry8.5.2.5DownDirectional of*di-alaPlural*dihtaladíhtalaw
*dilamecʼdilaméʔv-hndcarry a nonlong object down off ofʔahca hó·tow dilameʔtake down from the wallsyn*be·lamecʼ*bida·lamecʼ*codo·lamecʼ 1pl.*dihtala·mecʼ7.3.1Carry8.5.2.5DownDirectional of*di-alamecʼPlural*dihtala·mecʼdíhtala·meʔ
*hakʼi·hakʼiw´vthrow (knife, glass) to scratch and make bleedhaṭʼétʼba hakʼiwmany throw stick so it bleedscf*haqʼa·s*haqʼa·ṭ*hasu*hayi27.3.1.1Throw2.5.3InjurePrefixed:ha-*kʼi·1Plural*hakʼithakʼíʔ
*hasu·lhasulʔ´v1throw (something) to knock (something else) down; throw out bad acorns while sortingbiʔdu hásu·lithrow (sticks) (into tree) and knock downcf*muhkelhci*muhlud7.3.1.1Throw7. something away; get rid of something unwantedbiʔdu píšudu hasulméʔthrow away the bad acorns! (to several)cf*hahsoṭ 2*ʔdamihca*ʔdane7.4.5.2Throw awayPrefixed:ha-*su·l1Plural*hasula·tadCollective*hasu·lma
*haṭʼelhaṭʼélʔvthrow (wet cloth or something long, if not wadded up) (on wall) and make spotkʼaṭa sihco·li háṭʼelyto throw something open (not wadded up) and make spotcf*bane1*hatʼe·l*haʔṭʼe*muṭʼel*muʔṭʼe*šacʼo7.3.1.1ThrowPrefixed:ha-*ṭʼel
*haṭʼamhaṭʼámʔvstir up a swarm (of hornets, bees) by throwing somethinghaqaṭa haṭʼammelaI stirred up hornets by throwing sticksyn*muṭʼam1.6.4.1Animal movement7.3.1.1ThrowPrefixed:ha-*ṭʼam2Plural*haṭʼama·tad
*hayukʼuthayukʼúʔvthrow a pick (not spear)*yukʼut
*mayu·ʔcimayuʔcíwvwant to catch something; be after something in order to catch it (animal, money, good time)ʔa· bihše máyuʔciw el daʔtʼamélaI found the deer I was wishing to kill (had seen it earlier before the hunting season)qʰaʔdús yaʔ kʰe kayi·na máyuʔciba ṭʼi cʰiʔdi·ythe raccoon has been after my chickens and finally carried them all off7.3.1.2CatchSemelfactive of*mayu·ʔPlural*mayu·ʔciwadmayuʔciwá·du
*miticmitíʔv1lay down or throw an object of any shapecf*baṭi·c*miṭi·c7.3.1.1Throw7.3.4.3Put down2put up money (in the pot, when gambling); make an offering4.2.6.4GamblingSemelfactive of*mit1
*mopʰo·mopʰow´v(water) be splashing from thrown objects, such as rockscf*mohpʰohpʰo1.3.2Movement of water7.3.1.1ThrowPrefixed:mu-*pʰo·
*mowoṭmowóʔvagitate (liquid), roil, by throwing something into itcf*mohyol 11.3.2Movement of water7.3.1.1ThrowPrefixed:mu-*woṭ
*mukʼi·1mukʼiw´vbe cut by a thrown nonlong object (rock) enough to bleedcf*mukʼi·2*muqʼa·s*musu7.3.1.1Throw2.5.3InjurePrefixed:mu-*kʼi·1Plural*mukʼitmukʼíʔ
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