7.3.2. Move something in a direction

*bahkʰeyʔcicʼbahkʰéyʔciʔvmove something with the beak, mouth7.3.2Move something in a directionRetractive of*bahkʰe-ccicʼPlural*bakʰeyʔtacʼbakʰéyʔtaʔ
*bahwibahwíwv(an animal) to stick snout, beak, mouth into something that is soft but has some resistance, such as mud or sand; also, snout, beak, or mouth be stuck in7.3.2.6Put in1.6.4Animal actionsPrefixed:ba-*hwi
*banembanémʔv1fall to groundmulido qʼoʔdi cícʼi·dun walé·pu ʔel ʔiyów banemʔ ʔacaʔ mé·ṭiʔni bakʰe ʔel winalú· to· ʔiw by good luck, the walépu fell underneath; the man from Métini was on top7. in containermensʼin é· mu ʔul mi·li baqʼo tʰin kalikákʰ tol he· cʰiṭú· banemáʔba mul you can put it in something like a piece of paper or a basket7.3.2.6Put in3put, throw (not on ground)banemʔto throw off grounddile· tól banemaput it on the middle !ya·palka haʔdi ʔa banemʔthrow one apple over there7.5.9Put7.3.1.1Throw4pick up or move something that is located on the groundlamé·sa wina· banemy he put it on the tablehaʔal kalikákʰ dihcipʰi lamé·sa tol banemapick up that paper and put it on the table! upEssive of*bane2-m1*banemcicʼrefl.banémciʔvswing back*banembanemfreq.banémbanemʔvbounce
*baṭica·labaṭicá·lawvhang down (such as sash on clothing or body); (of clothing) have vertical stripeskʼaṭa baṭíhcalawstriped clothesmensʼin íyowam mu hó·to· koʔcʼiya baṭica·law ˉin front, there hung down a sash of red-shafted flicker featherssg.*miṭi·cala8.3.1.8Pattern, design7. of*baṭi·c-alaPlural*baṭihcalabaṭíhcalawbaṭihcala· koʔyiph. adj.baṭíhcala· koʔyiadjstriped; having vertical stripescf*dakʼihṭʰala 1
*bawilbawílʔ1vput several things into a container (probably serially); stuff (feathers in clothes; ** with Refl)kʼaṭa bawili kar li ʔput the clothes in the carʔama· ṭʼí· bawili buhqʰal li ʔput every thing in the basket!kʼaṭa mul bawílma buhqʰal li ʔput in without letting pile up what someone else is bringing out!kalikakʰ dahšáʔ bawili milu· kaho·n li ʔput the papers loose in the box there! (not pushed down tight)kalikakʰ miʔkʰe dohqó·qapʰi, kaho·n li bawiliarrange your papers and pack them in a boxmatʼiléʔya kaho·nli kalikakʰ hacolʔbina bawilqʰyour things were packed full in a box with paper (to protect the objects)kalikákʰ bawilʔli pʼohkolé· miʔkʰewhat you put your paper in is deep enough (or shaped enough) to contain itkʰe šunéʔli kʼaṭa bawilpʰi cʰiʔdí·te· ʔaI’ll put my clothes in my clothes bag and take themʔa· tí·na wi bawilʔba, men ṭʰaʔbámqawhaving put (the clothes) in a tub, I let them remain like thatqʰaʔbe (ʔel) karé·ta wi bawílpʰi cukʰeqa·cíput the rocks in the wagon (one by one) and take them up!mišukʰ wi bawílʔbiwstack in a sack7.3.2.6Put in6.7.7Container2adjcannedmaʔa bawilʔcanned food7.3.2.6Put in6.7.7ContainerPlural*bawila·tad
*bayukʼutbayukʼúʔvpenetrate with the mouth, snout, or beak; stick mouth, snout, or beak inmul éqa· mu ka·yu yaʔ bayukʼutam hnithat must be why that rooster was dipping his head, beak and all (beak deeply) into something, wasn’t it ? inPrefixed:ba-*yukʼut
*biqʰoṭbiqʰóʔvput arms around and pull up several7.3.2.8Pull6.2.4.2Uproot plantsPrefixed:bi-*qʰoṭ2*biqʰo·csmlf.biqʰoʔ´vto put arms around and pull up one
*cahwicahwíwvstick butt, rear end into something that is soft but has some resistance, such as mud or sand; also, rear end be stuck innaṭa ʔel sili máʔyul maṭʼqʰa wi cahwibiwthe child got just its butt stuck in the mud7.3.2.6Put inPrefixed:ca-*hwi
*cikʰe·dcikʰe·du´vmove, push something along by holding a smaller part of the large object, such as a handlecumátʰma· silhqʰaʔ cikʰe·dupush the chair in this direction7.3.2.9PushDirectional of*cihkʰe-ad2Plural*cikʰehtadcikʰéhtadu
*cikʰe·loqocʼcikʰelo·qóʔvpull something out or off, especially with a handle or by holding a smaller part of the larger objectcikʰelo·qoʔpull out or off7.3.2.8PullDirectional of*cihkʰe-aloqocʼPlural*cikʰehtaloqocʼcikʰéhtaloqoʔ
*cikʰe·biccikʰe·bíʔvlift something by picking it up with a handle or other small part of the larger objectcikʰebi·cilift it! of*cihkʰe-ibicPlural*cikʰehtibiccikʰéhtibiʔ
*cikʰe·qaccikʰe·qáʔvdrag up from here, especially with a handle or smaller part of the larger objectmensʼi·li ʔa wiša· ˆ ʔaṭʰa· tol cikʰe·qácʼba mi· ʔul neba ténhciʔ ˆ hiqʰaʔ šokʼow ínsʼem ʔa cawam I then dragged it up onto the gravel, laid it there and rested – I was probably sitting there for half an hour7.3.2Move something in a directionDirectional of*cihkʰe-aqacPlural*cikʰehtaqaccikʰéhtaqaʔ
*ciqʰal1ciqʰálʔvdrag by holding a small part of the larger object (e,g, a handle)qʰale ʔíša· ʔama tól ciqʰalmawthe branch is dragging on the groundqʰale ʔíša· ʔama tól ciqʰálciqʰalʔthe branch is dragging back and forth on the groundpicepʰí ciqʰalmaqo·cʼisnag it) and drag it to yourself!syn*cihkʰe*cihqʰalh 2*cukʰe·d*cʰiye7.3.2.8PullPrefixed:cʰi-*qʰal1Plural*ciqʰahliciqʰáhliw*ciqʰalmaciqʰálmawciqʰahlalawplur.dir.abs.ciqʰáhlalawnsled
*ciqʰoṭ2ciqʰóʔvpull up several by tying rope to it and pulling7.3.2.8Pull1.6.1.5FishPrefixed:cʰi-*qʰoṭ2*ciqʰo·csmlf.ciqʰoʔ´vpull up one by tying rope to it and pulling
*cuhwicuhwíwvstick head, round object, front end into something that is soft but has some resistance, such as mud or sand; also, round object be stuck inmiṭaʔ yo· cuhwidostuck his head in the sandmá·kina pili·li ʔem maṭʼqʰa yo· cuhwibiwthe car wheel got [is?] stuck in the mudcf*cukʰi7.3.2.6Put inPrefixed:cu-*hwi
*cukʰe·nʔwadcukʰenʔwadúvpush something arround with a handle or by holding a small part of the larger object, such as of a wheelbarrow7.3.2.9PushDistributive of*cuhkʰe-ad2-wad1Plural*cukʰetʰmucʼcukʰétʰmuʔPlural Agent*cukʰe·cʼwacʼ
*cukʰe·qaccukʰe·qáʔvcarry something upwards by holding a handle or other smaller part of a larger objectqʰaʔbe (ʔel) karé·ta wi bawílpʰi cukʰeqa·cíput the rocks in the wagon (one by one) and take them up!7.3.2Move something in a directionDirectional of*cuhkʰe-aqacPlural*cukʰehtaqaccukʰéhtaqaʔ
*dahwidahwíwvstick hand into something that is soft but has some resistance, such as mud, sand, concrete; also, hand be stuck indahwiwpush hand into (cement, to make handprint), sinks deepmaṭʼqʰa yó· cohšo dáhwiwsink hand into mud7.3.2.6Put inPrefixed:da-*hwi
*dakʰe·ddakʰe·du´vpush something along or around with the handheʔén sʼin iwa ma cá·ška dakʰenʔwadám ˇwhy are you pushing your plate all around?má·kina dakʰecʼméʔ(to several) push the car!7.3.2Move something in a directionDirectional of*dahkʰe-ad2Plural*dakʰehtaddakʰéhtadu
*dakʰe·duc dakʰe·dúʔvpush something away, such as a plate unwanted foodmiʔkʰe máʔa dakʰe·dú·tʰuʔdon't push your food away!7.3.2Move something in a directionDirectional of*dahkʰe-aducPlural*dakʰehtaducdakʰéhtaduʔ
*dakʰe·nʔwaddakʰenʔwadúvpush, move something around with the handdakʰecʼwaʔseveral to push around by handheʔén sʼin iwa ma cá·ška dakʰenʔwadám ˇwhy are you pushing your plate all around?7.3.2Move something in a directionDistributive of*dahkʰe-ad2-wad1Plural*dakʰetʰmucʼdakʰétʰmuʔPlural Agent*dakʰe·cʼwacʼ
*danacdanáʔvpush together7.3.2.9PushPrefixed:da-*nac3
*daṭʼa·daṭʼaw´vbreak by pressing so something comes out (as an egg); press hand down on somethingʔiša· daṭʼá·cʼipush hand against other arm which caught against something else!cf*daʔṭʼa17.3.2.9PushPrefixed:da-*ṭʼa·Plural*dalaṭʼa2dalaṭʼáw
*daṭʼudaṭʼúwvput hand in liquid; let hand sink into liquidʔahqʰa yó· daṭʼuwiymy hand is under the waterʔiša· daṭʼúwiye· tomy arm is in the water7.3.2.6Put inPrefixed:da-*ṭʼu
*daya·mvpush but not movedayamʔti min dahnadáhnawhe’s pushing and pushing, trying to move it7.3.2.9Pushonly with negative suffixPrefixed:da-*ya·m1Plural*dayama·taqdayamá·taʔ
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