8.1.8. Full

*bane·ducbane·dúʔv1use up contents; run out of supplyqʼaṭa· bane·duʔuse up, empty (a sack of its contents)mensʼí·li ʔul qʰo míšukʰ ˉ ʔul qʼaṭa· bane·duʔ ˆ. They emptied a second sack. asleepmensʼi·li ṭa to sima banedú·cinsʼemI suppose that I must have fallen asleep then5.7SleepDirectional of*bane2-aduc
*cuṭʼa·qcuṭʼaʔ´1v(a container) be full; fully occupy a space; fill up (a container, such as a bucket or box)cuṭʼa·qafill it! (as by getting in tub so it rises up, or talking to water)ʔahqʰa cuṭʼáʔbina (duwál) šayašayawit must have been too full of water; it has overflowedsyn*dohpo1*doyot2 1*ʔahyaq7.5.9.2Fill, cover2adjfullmu·kinʔ sʼihta bóʔobina -- sʼihta cuhcʰiwá·laqʰ -- sʼihta mišukʰ cuṭʼaʔ cʰíʔdima·duyhe must have gone hunting birds and shot down a lot of birds; I see him arriving with a bag full of birdskahó·n miʔkʰe qʼoʔdi cuṭʼaʔ dáhtohtocioverfill your box until it is good and full!8.1.8FullPrefixed:cu-*ṭʼa·qPlural*cuṭʼataqcuṭʼatáʔʔaha·wi cuṭʼa·qn.p.ʔahá·wi cuṭʼaʔna mouthful
*doyot2doyóʔ1v(an area such as a room) be full, filled up, stuffed, overflowing, coveredkʰe matʼilé·ya doyotʼ e· mu ʔahca cóhtowamthat house standing (there) is full of my possessionsʔacaʔ doyóhye· kʰe hcawmy house is overflowing with peoplesyn*cuṭʼa·q 1*dohpo1*ʔahyaq8.1.8Full2adjfull, all filled up, stuffedʔahca· matʼiléʔya doyóʔ ṭʰaʔbamthe house (or room) is full of possessions8.1.8FullPrefixed:du-*yot3*doyotʰqacaus.doyótʰqawvfill up, cover an area; load up a space; stuff or fill a place so that it is crowded
*hipahipáwvplace or hole be entirely covered, fullqʰale hipá· mimawthe place is covered with (fallen) treesʔimo ʔel hiyeʔ tʼeti·bícʰpʰi, hipáṭʰcistand up to lean against the hole and cover it with your body8.1.8FullPrefixed:hi-*pa2*hipahqacaus.hipáhqawvcover; cause to be covered or full*hipawaqdir.hipawáʔvthe body to fill (a doorway) going through, barely to fit through
maʔyulmaʔyúladv1only, entirely, nothing butsynkʼaye·mayuʔdul8.1.5.7Only2full of, covered in, with, all overcfkuʔmeṭ 28.1.8FullFree Variantmaʔul
*pʰaṭʼu·licpʰaṭʼu·líʔvteem with, be numerous; be thickly covered8.1.8FullPrefixed:pʰa-*ṭʼu·licPlural*pʰaṭʼula·tad
qʼaṭa·qʼaṭa·´adjemptycfhiʔqʼaṭa8.1.8.1Empty*qʼaṭa·mverb.qʼaṭamʔ´vget emptypl.*qʼaṭatamqʼaṭatámʔ
*šoʔpʼoʔpʼocšoʔpʼóʔpʼoʔv-redshake everything out (of a sack); clean out (of money, like in gambling)syn*coʔpʼoʔpʼoc4.2.6.4Gambling8.1.8.1EmptySemelfactive of*šoʔpʼoʔpʼoPlural*šoʔpʼošopʼotadšoʔpʼošópʼota·du