*copʰo·ccopʰoʔ´1vleaf out, leaf buds to swell and develop (in the spring)copʰóhcimeʔ(to several) bud many leaves!qʰale cópʰocʼba šihpʰa ʔel ṭʼí· cuṭʰélʔtay e· ʔul ~ siṭʰélʔtaythe tree leafed out and the leaves are all spread out alreadycf*pʰuʔlu11.5.6Growth of plants2adjtender (of sprout leafing out)cfbo·tʼlawo·2leʔwepʰuʔwesiʔwe1.5.6Growth of plantsPrefixed:cu-*pʰo·c1Plural*copʰohcicopʰóhciwʔama copʰoʔ meṭcomp.ʔama cópʰoʔ meʔnspringtime, leafing out timecfʔama copʰoʔ mayicfr. var.ʔama· copʰoʔ meṭʔama copʰoʔ mayicn.p.ʔama cópʰoʔ mayiʔnhay fever; an allergy to spring blossomingcfʔama copʰoʔ meṭ