ʔama·2ʔama·´1thing, matter, business9.1.3Thingʔama·ṭʼi·ph. adj.ʔama·ṭʼí·1proeverything2adjall kindsfr. var.ṭʼi· ʔama·ʔamaṭʼi·2work6.1Workcomp.qali ʔama·heavenʔama beʔcʼaprivate parts (of body)bowel movementmenstruationʔama kule·spookymischievousghost, bas spirit, supernatural beingʔama šaʔqʼagood luckʔama weya hcauniversityʔama· dunawa·du hqalcheaterʔama·ma·on the markph. v.ʔama dunawadspook, hauntnightmare, bad dreamn.p.ʔama cʰiyaʔ qalcoward, timid personfearfulʔama diʔboqsecret, something hiddenʔama hikʼo·cʼedusnobsnobbish, stuck-upʔama piṭʰamʔglass, window, transparent piecemirror, looking glassʔama puṭʰamʔwindow; mirror, looking glassʔama qʼala·ša hicʼe·puffball mushroomʔama· dicʼi·dustoryʔama· dicʼmuʔstory told to each otherʔama· ṭʰaʔbamciwevent(s), thing(s) taking place, thing that took placeʔama· ʔdu·ciʔ tʰinignorant, stupid, bad mannersabs.ʔama· dunawa·du hqalcheaterph. adj.ʔama· ṭʼeʔyeage of reasonsmart, good mannersqʰoma·comp.qʰomá·double, two things or placesʔama haṭʰkʼocomp.ʔama háṭʰkʼoa lieʔama mušucʼcomp.ʔama múšuʔcomicalsynʔama mušuʔʔama pʰalaʔcayʔcomp.ʔama pʰálaʔcayʔmiracleʔama qahcacomp.ʔama qáhcaflint, long flint flake used as a knifeʔama qahca cuhticomp.ʔama qáhca cuhtiflint design for basket or costumeʔamaduhkalcomp.ʔama dúhkalʔlonesome, lonelyʔama· dasataʔcomp.ʔama· dasátaʔteachings, warningsʔama· pišudu1comp.ʔama· pišúdubad, somthing bad, crimecfʔama· pišudu2short.ʔama pišuduʔama· pišudu mimawn.p.ʔama· pišúdu mimawbad luckantʔama· qʼoʔdi mimawʔama· ʔihmicomp.ʔama· ʔíhmitruthfr. var.ʔama ʔihmiʔihmi ʔama·ʔama ʔihminʔn.p.ʔama ʔíhminʔhonest person, who always tells the truthʔama·hliccomp.ʔamahlíʔindustrious, energetic, active, not lazyʔama· tʼo· minder.ʔama· tʼó· minin modern times*ʔamadutʼatph. v.ʔama dútʼaʔ1vwork, do a job, do one's duty2nwork that one has to do, job, dutyfr. var.ʔama· dutʼaʔʔama sʼaʔsʼa ci·cʼwacʼph. v.ʔama sʼáʔsʼa cicʼwaʔeuphemism: defecate, copulateʔama· ṭʰahqaph. v.ʔama· ṭʰáhqaw1vplay a game, have fun2ngames, fun, amusement; plaything3na programfr. var.ʔama ṭʰahqaʔama ʔway mensay.ʔamá ʔway menall the time, perpetually, habitually; for a very long timeʔama bahkešmawʔtʰinn.p.ʔama báhkešmawʔtʰin1na braggart2adjchoosyʔama dabolʔlin.p.ʔama dábolʔlicrowbarfr. var.ʔama· dabolʔliʔama šamawn.p.ʔama šámawsomething bad; troubles; catastrophe (not always that forceful, however)ʔama ʔiṭʰown.p.ʔama ʔíṭʰownon-believer, doubter, [?] skeptic; half-believercfʔama ʔtʼelʔʔama ʔtʼelʔn.p.ʔamá ʔtʼelʔdoubter of ko·ko [taboo] or anythingcfʔama ʔiṭʰowʔama· miyiwn.p.ʔama· miyíw 1number, counting numbers2counting, arithmeticfr. var.ʔama miyiwʔama· mohyolʔn.p.ʔama· móhyolʔ1vmix up the ground with a vehicle: make tracks after driving in mud2ngrave offerings, burnt together at cremationʔama· qʰaʔaw toln.p.ʔama· qʰaʔá· tolin the early morningʔama· qʼoʔdi mimawn.p.ʔama· qʼóʔdi mimawgood luckantʔama· pišudu mimawfr. var.ʔama· qʼoʔdi ṭʰaʔbamʔʔama· ṭʼahyaqn.p.ʔama· ṭʼáhyaʔtrash, trash pileʔama·hcayicʼn.p.ʔamahcayíʔbad news, news of a disaster, startling newsʔama·hiyemʔyacn.p.ʔama·hiyémʔyaʔthe President (of the United States)ʔama duhkʰenicʼph. adj.ʔama dúhkʰeniʔlazyʔama mušuʔph. adj.ʔama múšuʔcomicalsynʔama mušucʼʔama pʰimiwʔtʰinph. adj.ʔama pʰímiwʔtʰinobservant; don’t miss seeing anythingʔamacʰimiwʔtʰinph. adj.ʔamacʰímiwʔtʰin1adjthoughtless, rude2nrude or thoughtless person