-alamecʼalamecʼv > vsfxDirectional: down off of a place, down out of an enclosed areasʼihta qawí yya šaʔáhtala·mecʼe·duhe always takes down small birds (from the tree)ciqʰala·laméʔ tʰinit didn’t drag him off (the horse)cf-ala 1dir.*be·lamecʼcarry a long object down off of*bida·lamecʼcarry a bunch down off of, take down from a high place*bisa·lamecʼcarry several long objects in the arms down off of somewhere*codo·lamecʼcarry down off of in a containercarry down off of while supported underneath, especially on the shoulders or headride a horse down off of*cʰula·lamed(water) drain out, down, away*dada·lamecʼcarry, move something heavy down off of*dasa·lamecʼcarry, move several heavy objects down off of somewhere*dilamecʼcarry a nonlong object down off of*diʔcʼola·lamecʼsink down*do·lamecʼmove hand down off*dukʰe·lamecʼsome quantity to undergo a decrease or be lowered; also applies to other decreasing, such as in crochet*hikʰe·lamecʼmove body down off, out of something*htala·mecʼclimb down from, climb back down; take foot down from*pe·lamecʼ(water) flow down and outdroop, sag (of a face or flower)droopy, saggy (face, flower)*šuda·lamecʼlead one (person, animal) down off of; pull (with a rope)*šukʰe·lamecʼpull down, bend towards, off of something*šusa·lamecʼlead several (people, animals) down off of; pull (with a rope)*šuʔtʼeya·lamecʼpull down (on a tree branch); grab (hair) and pull (neck) down*bana·lamecʼdir.bana·lámeʔvput down inpl.*mica·lamecʼ*cisa·lamecʼdir.cisala·méʔv-hndcarry (with a handle, or packing on one's back or shoulder) several things down off of; drag; lead by the handsg.*cʰida·lamecʼ*ciwalamecʼdir.ciwalaméʔvcrawl or swim down off of or out of an enclosed areasyn*ciya·lamecʼ*ciya·lamecʼdir.ciyala·méʔv-mvtseveral crawl or swim down off of or out of an enclosed areasyn*ciwalamecʼ*cʰida·lamecʼdir.cʰidala·méʔv-hndcarry (with a handle, or packing on one's back or shoulder) one thing down off of; drag; lead by the handpl.*cisa·lamecʼ*dala·mecʼqadir.dalá·mecʼqawv-mvt1two (male or female) go down off ofsyn*hayohmala·mecʼ*pʰilala·mecʼ*wala·mecʼ2a few men go down off of*hayohmala·mecʼdir.hayóhmala·meʔv-mvtseveral (separately) go down off ofsyn*dala·mecʼqa 1*pʰilala·mecʼ*wala·mecʼ*mala·lamecʼdir.malala·méʔv(year) endʔama malala·meʔn.p.ʔama málala·meʔnend of year (beginning of winter)*na·lamecʼdir.na·laméʔ1vfall down, collapsesyn*dihlo·m*dihwatʼ*diwaṭʰ*hiwaṭʰ2v-hndtake out of*pʰilala·mecʼdir.pʰilalá·meʔv-mvtgroup go down off ofsyn*dala·mecʼqa 1*hayohmala·mecʼ*wala·mecʼ*sibo·lamecʼdir.sibola·méʔv-mvtgroup float or sail down off ofsg.*sida·lamecʼ*sida·lamecʼdir.sidala·méʔv-mvtone float or sail down off ofpl.*sibo·lamecʼ*wala·mecʼdir.walá·meʔv-mvtone go down off ofsyn*dala·mecʼqa 1*hayohmala·mecʼ*pʰilala·mecʼ