duwiduwi´1ncoyotecfhuʔʔuʔu···· as a character in traditional stories4.9.2Supernatural beingcomp.duwi cʰaʔbucommon lomatium, bladder parsnip, hog fennelwild carrot, bigseed biscuitroot, large fruited lomatiumduwi dicʼi·ducomp.duwi dícʼi·dunCoyote story; story told by Coyote character; ancient storyfr. var.duwi di·cʼmucʼduwi libu·comp.duwi líbu·na constellation: the Belt of Orion?duwi šima·tacomp.duwi šíma·tanPacific hound's tongue (plant)duwiʔcapʰṭʰecomp.duwíʔcapʰṭʰenGod, the Creatorcfbaʔapʰṭʰehapʰṭʰe 2yaʔkʰe ʔa·penʔduwi mina·mʔn.p.duwi mínamʔncramp or convulsion (of person shaking just before death)duwi moʔo·dan.p.duwi móʔo·danPolypody fernduwi moʔo·da hqʰoʔcomp.duwi móʔo·dahqʰoʔnPolypody fern root