cohtocohto´1adptogether with, along with, accompanying (a group), with (by means of)qʼoʔo cóhto qʰaʔdifetch him with a song!mahṭʰél cohto tʰin nohpʰow, siʔbál muʔnatithey lived not with his mother, but close by2advtogether, with others, nearby, along (on a trip)mace· yaʔ cohto ʔice·duthe guard stayed nearby (with her)3adpwhile (some specified activity occurs)qaʔcʼáʔ cohto mice·dutalk while crying, talk through tearsbicohtocomp.bicóhtoadvalong with thiscohto ʔiw yacder.cohto ʔí· yaʔncompanion, a person who is with someone elsepl.cohto ʔiw yacʰmacohto ʔí· yacʰma