hi-hiwith the body. This can include any of the individual parts of the body specified by other prefixes if the action is due to motion of the body and not to a purposeful act of the individual part. E.g. hihcʰaw could be ‘to knock over’ with the hand if a person walked by and brushed against a vase with his hand and so knocked it oversyn*diʔsʼipref.*hicu·l(part of) body ache, have a dull or light pain, feel sore*hicʰa·begin to put arm through someone else's arm; grab with body, hold tightly; catch onto body (as walking by)*hicʰi·ṭcome out by itself, e.g. like a hairpin from a woman’s hair*hicʰulremove several objects with the body, several objects fall off body*hicʼaldress gape open*hicʼicʼilfeel something rough against body*hicʼi·ṭwhole objects (not liquid or powder) be mixed up, such as flowers in the ground or clothes in a closet*hicʼo·expose body*hicʼo·qinsert into the body*hicʼo·ṭends fall off body (e.g., paper kleenex rubs on something and pulls pieces off itself)*hidahcʰiknock over thing (what sits)*hiduwput body on edge of something*hihcʰa1knock over what stands or a sitting person*hihcʰihit hard*hihkokboom and shake*hihkʰedrag oneself, move the body (along surface)*hihkʰocatch with the body*hihlababody crack apart *hihmu·ldo incompletely, fail to completebe left over, be left, remainleftovers, scraps (of food)*hihnatfeel or push against something with the shoulder or body*hihpanhcompress with the body*hihpo1filled with body; a three-dimensional space be filled completely and to overflowing with a body*hihpolhgush out by itself*hihqathe body to be used to (the weather)*hihqalhsurface come off by itself; hair fall out by itself; molt*hihqoyʔbend back; bend any joint by being bumped by someone's body*hihqʰalhbrush against with the body*hihqʰaṭrip apart or open the body, specifically belly*hihqʰobotnudge someone with the body; poke someone in the ribs (with finger or elbow)*hihsilhget a sliver in nose*hihsitmake little pieces , strips, by itself (as bark of a dead tree in strips) *hihsommess up with the body*hihsoṭscatter with the body*hihsutmake little pieces of wood or cloth (not ice or rock)*hihšayhave premonition that something won’t happen*hihšolhcome loose, detach easily, off of the body*hihteyseveral bodies, objects, entities lie down: must be all of a group of things, not nec. all at once but when see it, they're all down*hihtsimove with body*hihṭanṭalabody fade, wear out*hihyoljoin a group of people or an activity being done by others; mix sociallyspread or smear a liquid with the body or shoulder*hiki·šstretch over surface of body*hiku·ṭbreak off, come off, pop off the body*hikʰistretch itself (as socks when put on)*hikʰu·lfeel rough with body*hikʼalopen slightly by itself*hikʼo·ldig a depression or cavity, make a hole that does not go all the way through the material using the body*hikʼumbe in one place as much as possible; overstay*hikʼut2unseen being to produce a one short faint sign of its presence; barely detect unseen body moving*hilacfail to keep track, count*hilayabody slips*hilurub dirt into*hinacpeople gather, meet, assemble*hina·cover itself; (slide) covered (road)be blocked; be backed up*hinembump into (not hard); bump or nudge with the body or shoulder*hipaplace or hole be entirely covered, full*hipʰo·be splashing with the body; be shaking body in dust (of chicken), be scattering dust with body*hipʼilfeel slick to body*hiqolrub against with the body*hiqʰacbe half of somethinghalfpart of some larger quantity [?]*hiqʰalbrush against with body*hiqʰa·1break off of itselfcome to an end, finish*hiqʰa·2get cut using the body*hiqʰa·ṭbe pleasurable to the body, to like to wear; to admire clothes*hiqʰoṭuproot with the body, become uprooted by self*hiqʼa·sscratch body on something sharp*hiqʼa·ṭscrape with the body, scratch body against something, e.g., wall or floor*hisedislike, restricted to objects, activities involving the body, like wearing clothes*hise·lclean, make clear, rinse, entire object*hisisilbody be irritated (easily) by crumbs or rough, scratchy surface*hiso·lswirl water with body*hisuscratch several things deeply enough to make a mark on the body; pieces or chips that come off a hard surface*hisʼulmake body smooth and shiny*hiša·lclothing rustle (while wearing it); sound of taffeta dress*hišudbe unfamiliar, strange, to the body*hiti·ttwist body*hitʼatfidget the body*hitʼe·tset, be set, ready, preparedfit, fit in; suitready*hiṭa·nside of long object be in contact with the body*hiṭa·ttwist body*hiṭʼa·insides to come out by themselves; cause insides (innards) to come outfart*hiʔbolh1knock over with body*hiʔbolh2particles to fly off body*hiʔboqʼotflop down with the body*hiʔcʰu??*hiʔcʼabathe body to be breaking apart*hiʔcʼetchip off the edge (of some chair arm)*hiʔcʼolhmake a hole in the body, or in something using the body*hiʔcʼoncome off; detach by itself*hiʔdayacmiscountforget*hiʔkʼacrack by itself*hiʔkʼobump with the body, as when one slightly loses balance*hiʔkʼolhspill the contents of a container by bumping with body*hiʔkʼonhhold under the arm against the body*hiʔkʼubody finish moving; finish action completely*hiʔluwrap with the body*hiʔlušglance off with the leg*hiʔne·cicʼtight clothes uncomfortable until used to them*hiʔpʼanhclose by itself*hiʔqʼactighten, make secure, make safe, with the body*hiʔqʼotambe choking with no causing instrument*hiʔqʼoʔdido well with the whole body*hiʔsʼi1put a pinch in, knock piece off a hunk of iceresemble, be similar to, be a little bit like (something or someone)*hiʔsʼilsplashhiʔsʼowrinkled (of clothes, not can or face)stubborn*hiʔtʼaseem, feel, detect with the senses, with the body*hiʔtʼestick on by itself*hiʔtʼekelemake out of shape, with the body*hiʔtʼentʼeleget out of shape with the body*hiʔṭʼašfasten in place (entire object, such as a door) ??*hiʔṭʼespot or stain something, make mark by putting semiliquid on something on the body*hiʔṭʼuṭʰusqueeze with body*hi·sʼlucdog to get dirty or dog to get floor or house dirty with himself*hi·šlucgo to bed dirty and get sheet dirty*mihyuṭstir a fire or something else that is burning, using the foot*hibo·kʼ2pref.-hold up*hibo·kʼmaessivehold part of the body up in the airpl.*hibohkʼimhibóhkʼimʔfr. var.*hibu·kʼma*hicepref.hicéwhold together; (clothing) hold up, last, not wear outpl.*hicethicéʔ*hicehqacaus.hicéhqaw1hook to something2keep something in good shape or good repair; cause it to last or to hold up well; (with negative) let something wear out, not take good care of it*hicʼepref.-visit*hicʼehicʼefreq.hicʼehícʼewvisit frequentlysyn*molomolo*mucʼemucʼealways frequentativealways frequentative*hidulpref.hidúlʔfail to touch with the body*hidulcismlf.-several to fail to touch with body *hidulcicʼrefl.hidúlciʔseveral to fail to touch with body*hihcepref.-obstruct with body*hihcehceiter.-obstruct with body*hihcehcecsmlf.obstruct with bodyalways reduplicatedalways reduplicated*hihcelhpref.-body be blocked*hihcelhmaessivehihcélhmawbody be blocked*hihcelhcismlf.hihcélhciwbody to be blocked, stopped, obstructed by having something in the way: for example, an object in one's pocket that interferes with leaning on somethingpl.*hicelʔtahicélʔtaw*hihcupref.-get dizzy ?*hihcuhcuiter.hihcúhcuwget dizzy ?pl.*hicuhicumhicuhícumʔ*hihcʰa2pref.-crumble with body*hihcʰahcʰaiter.-crumble with body*hihcʰahcʰacsmlf.hihcʰáhcʰaʔcrumble with bodypl.*hihcʰahicʰatadhihcʰahícʰata·dualways reduplicatedalways reduplicated*hihcʰocpref.-wear out by rubbing*hihcʰohihcʰoc1freq.hihcʰohíhcʰoʔwear out something by rubbing, as limb of tree rub paint off housealways reduplicated*hihcʰohihcʰoc2freq.-wear out by rubbing*hihcʰohihcʰoc3smlf.hihcʰóhcʰoʔwear out something by rubbing, as limb of tree rub paint off housealways reduplicatedalways reduplicated*hihcʰupref.-crumble with body*hihcʰuhcʰuiter.hihcʰúhcʰuwPlural ofhihcʰuhihcʰuone of bestcrumble with bodysyn*hihkʰuhkualways reduplicated*hihcʰuhihcʰufreq.hihcʰuhíhcʰuwcrumble with bodysyn*hihkʰuhihkʰuhihcʰuhihcʰuder.hihcʰuhcʰuwone of the best; chip off the old blockpl.*hihcʰuhcʰuhihcʰúhcʰuwalways reduplicatedalways reduplicated*hihkipref.-get stuck*hihkihkiiter.hihkíhkiwget stuck (with a problem)pl.*hihkihikitadhihkihíkita·dualways reduplicatedalways reduplicated*hihko1pref.-group sit on the ground*hihkocterr.hihkóʔgroup be sitting on the groundsyn*ca3 2*nohpʰo 1*šoko·d1cf*ca3 1*šohko1 1*hihkomhihkómʔgroup be sitting off the ground*hihko2pref.-knock with body*hihkohkoiter.hihkóhkowknock with bodypl.*hihkohihkotadhihkohíkota·dualways reduplicatedalways reduplicated*hihkolhpref.-entire object be loose*hihkolhcismlf.hihkólhciwentire object be loose, shakerequires semelfactive -ci*hihkotpref.-wear out*hihkotʰcismlf.hihkótʰciwwear out, wear off paint from body by rubbing against*hihkʰupref.-crumble*hihkʰuhkuiter.hihkʰúhkuwcrumble with the bodysyn*hihcʰuhcʰualways reduplicated*hihkʰuhihkʰufreq.hihkʰuhíhkʰuwwhole thing crumble, entire thing crumblesyn*hihcʰuhihcʰualways reduplicatedalways reduplicated*hihlapref.-one to gossip*hihlahlaiter.hihláhlawone to gossippl.*hihlahilataqhihlahílataʔalways reduplicatedalways reduplicated*hihlalpref.hihlálʔbody break into several pieces*hihlopref.hihlówdetach, of the bodypl.*hilolhilólʔ*hihlohloiter.hihlóhlowshedpl.*hihlohilotadalways reduplicatedalways reduplicated*hihlupref.-make into piece*hihluhluiter.hihlúhluwmake into pieces, of the bodyʔihya· hihluhluʔph. adj.ʔihya· hihlúhluʔparalyzedalways reduplicatedalways reduplicated*hihmupref.-break in piece*hihmuhmuiter.-break to pieces*hihmuhmucsmlf.hihmúhmuʔbreak to pieces (plastic, window, box, chair, table, felled tree, bones)pl.*hihmuhimutadhihmuhímuta·dualways reduplicatedalways reduplicated*hihnapref.-tremble*hihnahnaiter.hihnáhnawtremble (of earth)always reduplicated*hihnahihnafreq.hihnahíhnawtremble (of earth)always reduplicatedalways reduplicated*hihpa1pref.-come into repeated contact*hihpahpa1iter.hihpáhpaw(the body) come into repeated contact; keep moving againstcf*hihqʰahqʰaalways reduplicated*hihpa2pref.-come into contact*hihpahpa2iter.hihpáhpaw(the body) be smeared with dirtalways reduplicatedalways reduplicated*hihpo2pref.-quiver*hihpohpoiter.hihpóhpow1quiver (of gelatin, or very fat people).2to be touchy, be easily hurt or irritated (Idiomatic)always reduplicatedalways reduplicated*hihpʰa·špref.-sag inward, depress, with body*hihpʰa·šmaessivehihpʰašmáwsag inward, depress, with body, by itselfpl.*hipʰahšimhipʰáhšimʔ*hihpʰa·šcismlf.hihpʰašcíwsag inward, depress, with body, by itselfpl.*hipʰahšcirequires essive -ma or semelfactive -ci*hihpʰipref.-shred with body*hihpʰihpʰiiter.hihpʰíhpʰiwshred with the bodysyn*hihpʰitʼcipl.*hihpʰihipʰitadhihpʰihípʰita·dualways reduplicatedalways reduplicated*hihpʰitʼpref.-tear with body*hihpʰitʼcismlf.hihpʰítʼciwtear with body; body of something is tornsyn*hihpʰihpʰipl.*hihpʰitʼpʰitʼiwadhihpʰítʼpʰitʼiwa·du*hipʰitʼpʰiʔtʼihipʰítʼpʰiʔtʼiwdial. var.*hihpitʼci*hihpʰopref.-shake scattering*hihpʰohpʰoiter.hihpʰóhpʰowshake scattering (water, as a dog does); flap or flutter wings (of bird)pl.*hihpʰohipʰotadhihpʰohípʰota·dualways reduplicatedalways reduplicated*hihqosʼpref.-body spill nonliquids*hihqosʼcismlf.hihqósʼciwbody spill nonliquids, cause a group of solid objects to fall offsyn*hiʔkʼolhpl.*hiqosʼqoʔsʼohiqosʼqoʔsʼow*hihqʰapref.-fidget with body in chair*hihqʰahqʰaiter.hihqʰáhqʰawfigdet with body in chaircf*hihpahpa1*hihsapref.hihsáwpush several objects with the body or knee and let them sit stillsg.*hiʔdi*hihsamessivehihsámʔhold several objects with the body or kneesg.*hiʔdim*hisa·ddir.hisa·du´push several objects with bodysg.*hide·d 1pl. agt.*hisa·cʼ*hihsipref.-crumble, come apart*hihsihsiiter.hihsíhsiwcome apart into pieces or strips; parts crumble off*hihtaypref.hihtáyʔtouch with bodypl.*hitayʔtahihtáyʔtaw*hihtahqacaus.hihtáhqawtouch with body*hihtsinhpref.-jump, give start*hihtsinhcicʼretr.hihtsínhciʔjump. give a start*hihtʰipref.-shred*hihtʰihtʰipref.-shred*hihtʰihtʰicsmlf.hihtʰíhtʰiʔshred (a piece of cloth)*hihṭʰapref.hihṭʰáw(door) to open by itself or button to come unbuttoned by itselfpl.*hiṭʰathiṭʰáʔ*hihṭʰeyʔpref.hihṭʰéyʔspread, press with the bodypl.*hiṭʰehyihiṭʰéhyiw*hihwatʼpref.hihwáʔbody lie rotten; entire object disintegrate: used for a board or towel only if it is so rotten that it comes to pieces; not used for disintegration of a rockhihwatʼmaessivehihwátʼmawbody lie rottenhihwatʼcismlf.hihwátʼciwbody lie rotten*hihwepref.-tremble*hihwehweiter.hihwéhwewtremble, shake (of earth)always reduplicatedalways reduplicated*hihwelpref.hihwélʔmove endlessly, incessantly, in an unending series*hihwe·npref.-tremble*hihwipref.hihwíwstick body into something that is soft but has some resistance, such as mud or sand; also, body be stuck in*hihwitpref.hihwíʔselect, choose several with the body*hihwitʰcismlf.hihwítʰciwselect with body*hihye·cpref.-keep someone company; stay with someone*hihye·cʰmaessivehihyecʰmáw1vkeep someone company; stay with someone2ncompanion, neighbor; someone who keeps you companypl.*hiyehcimhiyehcímʔrequires essive -ma or semelfactive -ci*hihye·ccismlf.hihyeccíwstay with, spend time with someone (for a period of time)fr. var.*hihye·cihihye·c-*hihyu1pref.-dirt to come loose*hihyuhyu1iter.hihyúhyuwdirt on road bank to come loosealways reduplicated*hihyuhihyufreq.hihyuhíhyuwdirt to come loose; quiver bodyalways reduplicatedalways reduplicated*hihyu2pref.-quiver body*hihyuhyu2iter.hihyúhyuwquiver the body while dancing*hihyutpref.hihyúʔbreak something crumbly, with the body*hihyuṭpref.hihyúʔget mixed up*hikelpref.hikélʔa cloth or some piece of fabric, such as a blanket, to unwrinkle, straighten, or flattencf*cukelpl.*hikeltahikéltaw*hiki·mpref.-stretch something by itself*hiki·mmaessivehikimmáwstretch something by itself*hiki·mcismlf.hikimcíwstretch something by itself, especially while restraining it*hikʼi·1pref.hikʼiw´get the body cut or scratchedpl.*hikʼithikʼíʔ*hikʼi·2pref.hikʼiw´get the body marked; hug real tight or cut body or something dropped on self*hikʼo·cpref.hikʼoʔ´consider important, have respect for; be polite towards, out of respectpl.*hikʼoca·tadhikʼo·cʼ aʔyawder.hikʼocʼáʔyawrespected by all, universally respected; the most respected*hikʼo·cʼrefl.-try to impress*hikʼo·cʼeddur.hikʼó·cʼedutry to impress, act important, put on a big front, act proudsyn*hokʼoyʔcʼedpl. agt.*hikʼo·cʼiwacʼʔama hikʼo·cʼedun.p.ʔama híkʼo·cʼedu1nsnob2adjsnobbish, stuck-upplural agent is closest to plural act*hikʼuspref.hikʼúsbody be narrow*hilepref.-drown out noise*hilehilefreq.hilehílewdrown out noise; part of body (like ears) be stopped uppl.*hilehilewadhilehílewa·du*hilehilecsmlf.hilehíleʔdrown out noisepl.*hilehilewadhilehílewa·dualways frequentative, usually with semelfactive -calways frequentative*himapref.himáwgather shapeless substance (e.g. water); gather substance with undefined shape (e.g. wood pile)pl.*himathimáʔ*hinepref.-be far away*hine·ducdir.hine·dúʔbe or go far awaypl.*hinehtacʼichinéhtacʼiʔpl. agt.*hinehtacʼic*hine·cʼic*hipaṭpref.-fill hole with body*hipaṭʰcismlf.hipáṭʰciwcover or fill in a hole with the bodypl.*hipahṭihipáhṭiw*hiqʰa·spref.-go along with body rubbing against*hiqʰa·saddir.hiqʰasa·du´go along with the body rubbing against (a wall)*hisapref.hisáwseveral crack off of selves (as limbs on a hot day)*hise·pref.hisew´rinse, wash, or cleansyn*hise·l*hisi·ṭpref.-be free*hisi·ṭʰqacaus.hisiṭʰqáwwaste; let go to waste*hisi·ṭicʼrefl.hisi·ṭíʔbe free, lose, unrestricted; waste oneself*hisʼa·pref.hisʼaw´1break, be broken, of a whole object2be broke (no money)pl.*hilasʼahilasʼáw*hisʼa·hqacaus.hisʼahqáwbreak something*hisʼa·cʼrefl.hisʼaʔ´Idiom: look proudpl.*hilasʼacʼhilasʼáʔ*hisʼihcpref.-zigzag*hisʼihcismlf.hisʼíhciwzigzag design or patternhisʼihciw cuhtin.p.hisʼíhci· cuhtizigzag pattern*hiša·mpref.hišamʔ´1vrustle with the bodysyn*hiša·l2ntaffetapl.*hišamathišamáʔtaqʰma hišamʔn.p.taqʰma híšamʔtaffeta dress*hitašpref.hitášsquash something soft and mushy with the body*hitsaypref.-twine*hitsayqacaus.hitsá·qawtwine with two or three sticks; weave start of basket, close weave*hitupref.-be pressed tight*hituhitufreq.-be pressed tight*hituhitucsmlf.hituhítuʔbe pressed tight, stuffedalways frequentativealways frequentative*hitʰilpref.hitʰílʔtear but not necessarily apart, with the body*hitʼulpref.hitʼúlʔsqueeze by leaning on (cat or child)pl.*hitʼuhlihitʼúhliw*hiṭo·lpref.hiṭolʔ´make a dent or hole in something using the body, such as by lying on it*hiṭʰaṭpref.hiṭʰáʔbreak open with the body*hiṭʰa·lpref.-be bright out*hiṭʰa·lmaessivehiṭʰalmáwbright, light enough to see by, (with the body?); be bright out*hiṭʰa·lcismlf.hiṭʰalcíwbright, light enough to see by, (with the body?); be bright outsyn*diṭʰa·lcirequires essive -ma or semelfactive -ci or directional*hiṭʰilpref.hiṭʰílʔspread, stretch out, either parts of body, or using the body*hiṭʼempref.hiṭʼémʔbe tired of something, restricted to things, activities involving the body, like wearing clothes*hiṭʼipref.hiṭʼíwbend the body, twist the bodysyn*haṭʼi*haʔṭʼihaʔṭʼi*haʔṭʼiṭ1pl.*hiliṭʼihiliṭʼíw*hiṭʼo·pref.hiṭʼow´chafe, (skin) to rub offcf*šohponpolocpl.*hiloṭʼohiloṭʼów*hiṭʼunpref.hiṭʼúnʔ1vhave slimy body, body be slimycfkʼuʔles 22adjslimy*hiwaṭʰpref.hiwáʔweaken or fall apart: of an entire structure such as a house, without obvious external causesyn*dihlo·m*dihwatʼ*diwaṭʰ*na·lamecʼ 1*hiwoṭpref.hiwóʔstir by moving body in watersyn*hiyoṭcf*hihyol 1*hiyaʔtapref.hiyáʔtawshare, restricted to people and objects associated with the body, like clothes*hiya·mpref.hiyamʔ´hurt or give pain to what is already sore by bumping into someone with the entire body, or the shoulder or torsopl.*hiyatam*hiyepref.-move or hold something with one's body, or on one's own*hiyemessivehiyémʔ1vhold in place with the shoulder or the body2vhold authority (over other people)3advthe most by far, more than any otherspl.*hiyehtimhiyéhtimʔ*hiye·ddir.hiye·du´move along with the body, while pressing the body against something or someonepl.*hiyehtadhiyéhtaduoccurs with Essive or Directional suffix*hiyecʼpref.hiyéʔ1vbe up against; lean on2adpagainst, up against, touching, leaning*hiyipref.hiyíwrub body on edge of something*hiyoṭpref.hiyóʔstir up (in water) with the body; bruise??syn*diyoṭ*hiwoṭ*hiʔba1pref.hiʔbáwbe breaking apart with the body, of the body*hiba·csmlf.hibaʔ´be breaking one apart with body, of body*hiʔba2pref.-start to be troubled by*hiʔbayicʼ1refl.hiʔbayíʔstart to be troubled by*hiʔbaʔbaiter.hiʔbáʔbawbe troubled, bothered, by illness, financial problemcf*hilʔbapl.*hiʔbahibathiʔbahíbaʔ*hiʔbalhpref.-turn body*hiʔbalhcismlf.hiʔbálhciwturn the bodypl.*hibahlichibáhliʔ*hiʔbopref.-piece to fall off*hiʔboʔboiter.hiʔbóʔbowpieces to fall offpl.*hiʔbohibotadhiʔbohíbota·dualways reduplicatedalways reduplicated*hiʔcʼapref.-be packed tight*hiʔcʼaʔcʼaiter.hiʔcʼáʔcʼawbe packed tight in an extended but limited space [?]*hiʔcʼaʔcʼacsmlf.hiʔcʼáʔcʼaʔhiʔcʼáʔcʼaʔ1vbe packed tight (fully?)2adjpacked tightantqaʔboyalways reduplicatedalways reduplicated*hiʔcʼopref.-fall in pieces*hiʔcʼoʔcʼoiter.hiʔcʼóʔcʼowfall to pieces*hiʔcʼoʔcʼocsmlf.hiʔcʼóʔcʼoʔfall to piecesalways reduplicated, usually with semelfactive -calways reduplicated*hiʔcʼupref.-break by itself*hiʔcʼumessive-break by itself*hiʔcʼumcismlf.hiʔcʼúmciwsuddenly break by itself; break by body falling on itsyn*hiʔcʼuʔcʼupl.*hiʔcʼuma·tadhiʔcʼumá·tadufr. var.*hiʔcʼumhci*hiʔcʼuʔcʼuiter.hiʔcʼúʔcʼuwbreak with bodysyn*hiʔcʼumcialways essive or reduplicated*hiʔdipref.hiʔdíw[with a directional-locational suffix] push something with the body or with the knee; [without a suffix] push something with the body or knee and let it sit stillpl.*hihsa*hiʔdimessivehiʔdímʔhold something with the body or kneepl.*hihsam*hida·loqocʼdir.hidalo·qóʔput out of business*hida·qacdir.hida·qáʔfigure out (a problem)*hide·ddir.hide·du´1v-hndpush something along with the bodypl.*hisa·d2vkeep track of, countpl. agt.*hide·cʼrare without suffix*hiʔkʰošpref.-bending itself*hiʔkʰošcismlf.hiʔkʰóšciwbending itself*hiʔkʼanhpref.hiʔkʼánʔlean a long object against with the bodypl.*hikʼahnihikʼáhniw*hiʔkʼanhmaessivehiʔkʼánhmawlean long object against with body*hiʔkʼanhcismlf.hiʔkʼánhciwlean long object against with body*hiʔkʼayʔpref.-body be caught in crack between two close objects*hiʔkʼayʔcismlf.hiʔkʼáyʔciwbody be caught in crack between two close objectspl.*hikʼahcihiʔkʼáhciw*hiʔlopref.-get tangled*hiʔloʔloiter.hiʔlóʔlowto get tangledcf*daṭʼiṭʼim*šuyamalways reduplicatedalways reduplicated*hiʔsʼi2pref.-nudge*hiʔsʼiʔsʼiiter.hiʔsʼíʔsʼiwnudge a few times (when joking)cf*hihcʰi*hinempl.*hiʔsʼihisʼitadhiʔsʼihísʼita·dualways reduplicatedalways reduplicated*hiʔsʼopref.-wrinkle clothing*hiʔsʼoʔsʼoiter.hiʔsʼóʔsʼowwrinkle clothingsyn*diʔsʼoʔsʼo*hiʔtʼupref.-squeeze bodies together*hiʔtʼuʔtʼuiter.hiʔtʼúʔtʼuwsqueeze bodies together*hiʔṭašpref.-be familiar to body*hiʔṭašcismlf.hiʔṭášciwbe familiar to bodyrequires semelfactive -ci*hiʔṭʼelhpref.hiʔṭʼélʔpress down or part something by lying on itpl.*hiʔṭʼela·tadhiʔṭʼelá·tadu*hiʔṭʼeʔṭʼepref.hiʔṭʼéʔṭʼewtouch many times something shouldn’t (because oil, e.g., and get oily)pl.*hiʔṭʼehiṭʼehtihiʔṭʼehíṭʼehtiw*hiʔwipref.-nudge with elbows*hiʔwiʔwiiter.hiʔwíʔwiwnudge with elbows repeatedlypl.*hiʔwihiwitadhiʔwihíwita·du*hiʔyapref.hiʔyáwalmost do*hiʔya·qpref.hiʔyaʔ´recognize (by touching) with the body*hiʔyupref.-hurt with body*hiʔyuʔyuiter.hiʔyúʔyuwcause pain to the body, for example by bumping into something, without injuryalways reduplicatedalways reduplicatedhiʔyopref.hiʔyo´wrinkled by the general action of the body, by contact with the body