*pʰil-group go; several go togetheralways occurs with a Directional suffix (except with /p/), and the form of the stem depends on the form of the suffix*hcalpʰilicomp.cálpʰiliwgroup arrive, terminate movement, come to a house or destinationsyn*hcalu*hcalʔdahqa*pʰili1der.pʰilíwgroup arrive*pʰilatʰmucʼdist.pʰilátʰmuʔgroup go here and there; wandersyn*da·cʼwacʼqa 1*hayom*wa·nʔwad*pʰilaladir.pʰilaláwgroup go downsyn*da·lahqa 1*hayohmala*wala 1dial. var.*pʰilahtala*pʰilala·mecʼdir.pʰilalá·meʔgroup go down off ofsyn*dala·mecʼqa 1*hayohmala·mecʼ*wala·mecʼ*pʰilaqdir.pʰiláʔ1group go out from here, go awaysyn*da·hqa1 1*hayohmaq 1*waq 22group go north or west from here*pʰilaqacdir.pʰilaqáʔgroup go up from heresyn*da·qacʰqa 1*hayohmaqac*waqac 1dial. var.*pʰila·qac*pʰila·cʼdir.pʰiláʔ1group go along (in one direction)syn*da·cʼqa 1*hayohmacʼ 1*wa·d2 22group come toward heredial. var.*pʰila·d*pʰila·cʼicdir.pʰila·cʼíʔgroup go far, away to a distancesyn*da·cʼicʰqa 1*hayohmacʼic*wa·duc*pʰilebicdir.pʰilebíʔ1group leave, go away, start to gosyn*cohtoc 2*da·bicʰqa 1*hayomi·bic2group go upfr. var.*pʰile·bic*pʰiloloqdir.pʰilolóʔgroup come up to heresyn*da·lohqa 1*hayohmaloq*woloq 1cihsi pʰiloloqcomp.cihsi pʰíloloʔrashʔime pʰololoqcomp.abs.ʔime pʰóloloʔgoose bumps, goose pimples*pʰilolo·qocʼ1refl.pʰiloló·qoʔgroup come up out of*pʰilolo·qocʼ2dir.pʰiloló·qoʔgroup come up out ofsyn*dalo·qocʼqa 1*hayohmalo·qocʼ*wolo·qocʼ*pʰiloqdir.pʰilóʔ1group come outsyn*da·hqa2 1*hayohmaqʷ 1*woq 22group come northward or westward to here, come from the south or east*pʰiloqocʼdir.pʰiloqóʔgroup go out from here (without reference to cardinal direction)cf*da·qocʼqa 1*hayohmaqocʼ*woqocʼdial. var.*pʰilohtoqocʼ*pʰima1dir.pʰimáwgroup go across or pastsyn*hayohwim*ma5*ʔdamqa 1fr. var.*pʰimam*pʰimahtima·cʼicdir.pʰimáhtima·cʼiʔgroup move in next to; keep visiting*pʰimacdir.pʰimáʔ1several go in from here as a groupsyn*hayohwimac 1*mac 2*ʔdamacʰqa 12group go south or east from heredial. var.*pʰimahtimac*pʰimaqocʼdir.pʰimaqóʔgroup go back a few stepssyn*hayohwima·qocʼ*ma·qocʼ*ʔdama·qocʼqa 1*pʰimaqʷ1dir.pʰimáʔ1group come in heresyn*hayohwimaqʷ 1*ma·qʷ 2*ʔdamahqa 12group come southward or eastward to here, come from the north or west*pʰima·cʼdir.pʰimaʔgroup go within an enclosed place (house, pasture); at a place identified in the context, enclosed or notsyn*hayohwimacʼ*ma·d*ʔdamacʼqa 1*pʰima·cʼicdir.pʰima·cʼíʔgroup arrive at a place, go as far as a place, end journey, return homesyn*hayohwima·cʼic*ma·duc*ʔdama·cʼicʰqa 1fr. var.*pʰimacʼic*pʰimuldir.pʰimúlʔgroup go around to the other sidesyn*hayohwimul*mul*ʔdamulqa 1*pʰimulicʼdir.pʰimulíʔgroup go around all the waysyn*hayohwimu·licʼ*mulicʼ*ʔdamu·licʼqa 1