-ibicibicv > vsfx1Directional: up; neither toward or from here, because what is moving does not become separated from what it has been attached to2Directional: away (with verbs of motion)3Inceptive: begin a voluntary actinitial vowel /i/ does not undergo the usual change to /u/ after a stem ending in /d/comp.mobi·ceduwimotor, enginen.p.qʰale pʰiyehtibiʔliwedge for splitting wooddur.mobi·ceduwimotor, enginedir.*bane·bicthrow (nonlong) upwardbe delayed; delay event*be·biclift up, pick up a long objectfetch (water specifically), go and get (water)carry a long object up, away*bide·biclift up or pick up a bunchcarry a bunch up, away*bisa·biclift up, pick up several long objects in the armscarry several long objects in the arms away*cikʰe·biclift something by picking it up with a handle or other small part of the larger object*ciya·bicseveral crawl or swim up, awayseveral start to crawl or swim*codo·biclift up, pick up in a containercarry up, away in a containerlift up, pick up while supported underneath, especially on the shoulders or headcarry up, away while supported underneath, especially on the shoulders or headride a horse up, away*cošoti·bicraise hand *co·bic2liquid or other shapeless material to rise up within a contained space, or to be lifted while contained*cukʰe·biccarry something, especially in an upward direction while holding the smaller part of a larger object, such as a handle of a wheelbarrow*cʰeʔeti·bicdip up (water); dip a cup or a ladle into water and then lift it up*dade·biclift up, pick up something heavycarry, move something heavy awaywaves or ocean rise up*dasa·biclift up, pick up several heavy objectscarry, move several heavy objects away*daʔcʰa·bicdo a push-up (referring to the raising of the body on relatively weak arms)*dibiclift up, pick up a nonlong objectcarry a nonlong object up, awaypitch a song higher (with /qali·/ "high")become (worse, of rain)*dihcibicpick up a nonlong object, lifting it upward*dikʼo·yibictip on side by self*diṭa·nibicone side flip up when an object is dropped*do·bicraise (one's) hand up*dude·bicmove something up or away with the finger; aim a gunstrike (person): with a hex?*dukʰe·biclift something (especially if it involves sliding the fingers, hand under it first?)*dusa·bicmove several objects up or away with the finger*haʔsʼili·bicsplash water up with a swinging motion of the arm or leg*ha·tibicspeak up, speak one's mind (in a meeting or other gathering, for example)*hikʰe·bicdrag self to a sitting position; (power to) increase*hitʼe·bicprosper*hotʼo·tibicraise head; move head upwards*htibicraise footmobi·ceduwimotor, engine*moqʰo·tibicraise knee or move knee upward*moʔboli·bicthrow (a rock) and knock the lid off, spilling the contents*neti·bic(fire) blaze up*ne·bicthrow a long object upward; (long object) fall over [?]*pisa·bicmove up or lift several objects with the side of a long object (such as a shovel)*pʰade·bicmove up something with the end of a long object (such as a fist); shovel up; by wrapping*pʰaduwi·bicpoke and hit edge*pʰe·bicstart to carry person on back; get up while carrying person on back*pʰide·bicmove up or lift something with the side of a long object (such as a shovel)*pʰude·bicmove something away by blowing; blow something away*qasa·biclift several objects with the teeth, with the mouthsuck (pain) out*qa·biclong object to move up, lengthwise: an arrow to fly upward, a jet or column of water to spout up, a fish to jump upward*šaʔcʰa·bicpush up on hands from lying prone*šiba·tibicgrow strong, improve oneself; do one's best, apply effort to a task, focus on doing well*šude·biclift (one) up by pulling; start to pulllead one (person, animal) up, away; pull (with a rope)*šukʰe·biclift something, especially by pulling it*šusa·bicpick up several (people, animals) (with a pulling); start to drag, lead by the handlead several (people, animals) up, away; pull (with a rope)*tibicraise leg*tʼe·tibicone stand up on two or more legs, on or off the ground; stand still*ṭʰili·bicstoop raising butt*ṭʼayi·bicpour down out of a container; tip over (a box, not nec. that something come out)*ʔbaci·bicbear (fruit), start to grow (hair)incep.*ca·bicfly up, start to fly*cʼowi·bicappear suddenly*qaṭʼu·sibicface become narrow; have a narrow face*šiweyi·bicbe new, renewed; new growth start; (the land) to bloom in springinstr.qʰale pʰiyehtibiʔliwedge for splitting woodʔahca dusʼuli·biʔlia lean-to*bade·bicdir.bade·bíʔv-hndmove something away with the mouth; move something up with the mouthpl.*basa·bic*basa·bicdir.basa·bíʔv-hndmove or push several objects away with the mouthsg.*bade·bic*baʔsʼawi·bicdir.baʔsʼawí·biʔvsing up; rise (of voice)*cisa·bicdir.cisa·bíʔv-hnd1pick up several things (with a handle); start to drag, lead by the handsg.*cʰide·bic 12carry (with a handle, or packing on one's back or shoulder) several things up, away; drag; lead by the handsg.*cʰide·bic 2*ciwa·bicdir.cisa·bíʔv-mvt1crawl or swim up, awaysyn*ciya·bic 12start to crawl or swim syn*ciya·bic 2*co·bic1dir.co·bíʔvwater rise upcf*coloq*co·bic2ʔahqʰa co·bicn.p.ʔahqʰa có·biʔnflood; water rising in well (when it rains)*cʰide·bicdir.cʰide·bíʔv-hnd1pick up one thing (with a handle); start to drag, lead by the handpl.*cisa·bic 12carry (with a handle, or packing on one's back or shoulder) one thing up, away; drag; lead by the handpl.*cisa·bic 2*doʔkʼoyi·bicdir.doʔkʼoyí·biʔvwith the fingers to pry up one end of a long object (a stick), the other remaining on the groundpl.*dokʼohyibicdokʼóhyibiʔfr. var.*dokʼo·yibic*hayomi·bicdir.hayomí·biʔv-mvtseveral (separately) leave, go away, start to gosyn*cohtoc 2*da·bicʰqa 1*pʰilebic 1*mobo·kʼibicdir.mobokʼi·bíʔvswell up from heatcf*moʔbo 1pl.*mobohkʼibicmobóhkʼibiʔfr. var.*mubu·kʼibic*moʔkʼoyi·bicdir.moʔkʼoyí·biʔv(a plank) to warp up at one end in the sun pl.*mokʼohyibic*mo·bicdir.mo·bíʔvrun away, run off, escapepl.*mohtibic*mo·bicʰqacaus.mo·bícʰqawvdrive (a car) away*paʔcʰa·bicdir.paʔcʰa·bíʔvstand up unsteadilycf*tʼe·tibic*piṭitibicdir.piṭitíbiʔvstrike ground with the side of a stickcf*piṭi*qabo·kʼibicdir.vbe bulging with cheekscf*qabo·šma*qahtoš*qatuqatuc*qatušpl.*qabohkʼibicqabóhkʼibiʔfr. var.*qabu·kʼibic*sibo·bicdir.sibo·bíʔv-mvt1group float or sail up, away; rise up; (dancers) leap up togethersg.*side·bic 12group start to float or sailsg.*side·bic 2*side·bicdir.side·bíʔv-mvt1one float or sail up or awaypl.*sibo·bic 12one start to float or sailpl.*sibo·bic 2*šoko·bicdir.šoko·bíʔvsit upcf*tubicunspec. var.*šokohtibic*šokʼoyi·bicdir.šokʼoyí·biʔvpull up one end of a long object with the other end remaining on the groundpl.*šokʼohyibicšokʼóhyibiʔfr. var.*šokʼo·yibic*balayi·bicincep.balayí·biʔvstart to bleed