eban1na shawl used for carrying infants or small children2transto carry someone with a shawlThe carrying shawl is most commonly used for carrying babies and small children. However, it is sometimes used for carrying sick or drunk adults.Eban ali hi mahhiken et nak ali umlan pagey di alang tep endi kennen tayu.You carry baby boy and I will go and get rice in the granary because we have nothing to eat.Hi-gak nenge-ebban hi-gatu ingganah ne-e-ettengan tu.I was the one who had been carrying him until he was grown up.Nakka umhigan umebaeban nebuteng tep hin-addum ni deita kauttai.I am reluctant to be carrying drunk people because sometimes they vomit on you.7.3.1Carry-en/-in-