a time forrabu2unspec. var.raboadvwhen; a time forYada pi di rabuA time for fighting
a type of fernpolo-adaaluNounCtree variety; a type of fern[Pteridophyte, Asplenium nidus]
able tomada22advable toGo naaki nipu sukulu mada teathis boy is able to go to schoolNeme oyaenu namada meapeYou can't take anythingnamada meanot able to get it
Adam's applepetonAdam's apple ; throatpeto rugutato be hoarsepeto kaapu tato be thirstysynkalabe11pedo-kuliNounCAdam's apple ; throat ; espohagusyalima-iniunspec. var. ofeta-poranAdam's apple ; throat ; espohagusmata talama pirua yalima-ini radaa piawhen the singsing goes on there are sore throatssynkalabe11
add ontomakibuvto join together, to add onto, to patch
address term for H of clan sisterbasenaddress term for husband of clan sister
adjacent to the roadkerepo-naneadvadjacent to the roadpora kereponane puaHe went along the top part of the roadgo mena siri no pora kereponane pua adibago and fasten the pig adjacent to the road