rain leakingitipavleak, as raindrops through a hole in a roof go adare itipa pogotaga rameathis house leaks so it must be rottensynrodoparodopavrain leaking through a hole in a roofada kagaaga yai rodopa runane aweathe house is new but it leakssynitipapogota
rain leaking through a hole in a roofkidipalivrain leaking through a hole in a roof
rain spellyai yaina pavtto make a spell to stop the rain
rainbowasawaaku1nrainbow, seen as green (karerene), red (kaane), and yellow (abu) when it appearsabare asawaaku salapulu niaa meda omalimathere was a rainbow so one of us will diesyneroboaeroboaunspec. var.asawaaku2na rainbowsynasawaaku1asawaaku2unspec. var. oferoboanrainbowasapakunrainbowremo-daliNounCrainbow
rainshieldaga-yaparaNounCa rainshield usually made from pandanus leavesrako-yaparaNounCa rainshield usually made from pandanus leavesripa yaparana rainshield usually made from pandanus leaves
rainshield usually made from pandanus leavesmasaa yaparana rainshield usually made from pandanus leaves
rapidsipa-kaiNounCrapids ; waterfallipa kai epa pogota raburi gopara onaa napemawhen the water is in flood we don't go theresynipa ridi
ratwasa4ngeneric term for ratWasare mo maapunini paake nolalo pirala.The rats like to steal things from the edge of the garden.specada-pokapakiragenonasamakirinrat
rat found in the Poroma areakabe1nrat variety found in the Poroma area; does not have much fur, lives in the wild cane genonasa
rat (Pandanus language)madarakasierat (Pandanus language)