English - West Kewa
b benefactive -ama v benefactive, SS, same referent -a 3 2 v adjectival, Ben -pa 1 v progressive, Ben -ari v 2 Sg, Ben, Pst
benevolent spirit Yaaki unspec. var. Yakili nprop benevolent spirit
bent payabo pea v to be crooked, bent, askew go kepo payabo pea this fence is crooked syn paki kano pi ajp to be askew/crooked go ada ora kano pia aya that house is crooked gen kano pea syn waagasu pi adaina 1 v something bent or looking down
bent over old man u robe yomagae ajp a bent over old man
bent over toward the ends rugi nepoa rita ajp to be bent over toward the ends [eg a long victory leaf]
bent-over person masaa robe ajp a bent-over person syn masaa kepene urobe
berry variety rarua n a type of berry [Solanaceae, Solanum]
berry, red ketoto n red berry variety
best quality kina shell sekere-uni NounC pearl shell bone syn yaba sekere
betel nut type mai-ini NounC betel nut type syn bera ini
better than laniaa v to win, better than another
between eyes rikaa 2 2 n between eyes
bible Gotena agaa suaya buku ajp Bible [The book holding God's talk]
Bible Gotena epe agaa n the Bible, Good News
Bible Church baipolo n Bible Church, or any small independent Protestant mission
Bible songs baibel yasa n Bible songs
Bible stories baibel tida ajp Bible stories
bicycle wiliwili n bicycle syn ope-papu ope-paapu unspec. var. of ope-papu NounC a bicycle ope-papu unspec. var. ope-paapu NounC bicycle ope papuna kimi sapimi yae handlebars of a bicycle syn wiliwili kope-pake NounC a bicycle
big adaa adj big/large adaa mena a big pig adaa yalia he will grow large
big boss adaa kosopeaa np big boss
big man rumu au la ajp a headman, big man, showoff adaa-aa NounC big man, head man
big (Pandanus language) maga muruna ie big (Pandanus language)
big (Pandanus) paninie ie Pandanus language for big