English - West Kewa
b become rusty or yellow-colored ulupapu pea vp to become rusty or yellow-colored
become sleepy ini-para roketa unspec. var. ini-para u ipula vp to become sleepy
bed reke 2 5 n a bed go mo reke ogesi yapula ne mada dia that bed is too small for you u patape reke ajp a bed
bedbug kayabo 2 n bedbug onaa nolalo adapara piralade kayabo the bedbug that is in people's houses and bites them syn ete 2 medo ema 2 n bedbug
bee puna-alubi NounC bee whose sting is painful; leaves stinger (ini) in the skin
bee stinger ini 2 n bee stinger
beech tree variety karape n New Guinea beech tree gen repena 2 syn eya 4 Fagaceae, Nothogagus
beer ipa-bia 1 n beer ipa-bia 2 NounC beer
beetle variety yawi-raa unspec. var. of maita 2 NounC a type of beetle which eats taro gen bolo puna itinu yabiri n green-headed beetle, often strung as decorative necklaces gen bolo puna itinu aroba-adu n whirlygig or dibing beetle that's edible, lives in the water and is dark-colored gen pameda-riti 2 yapiraa n a type of beetle which eats taro gen bolo puna itinu
beetle, green headed yabidi n green headed beetle
beetle, rhinocerous robe n rhinocerous beetle
before abala 2 adv before syn abade 1 aba 1 adv before
beg kogeya v to ask ; beg ogeya 1 v to beg, ask ogeyo pia to go on begging syn agaa mea rome la ogeya 2 v to ask ; beg
begin ripima unspec. var. of ripia v to begin or start something yada ripima peme they started fighting
behavior pora 3 2 n behavior, custom oro yalo yalo nimumi epe pora kurina They need to always follow good customs au 1 n behavior, custom, matter ni ona au to I'm like a woman kone n intention; thoughts ; behavior ; custom wae kone bad thoughts kone lapo ia to be double minded kone tone ia self centered spec adawe kone 1 ado pirape kone kudiri kone
belief rulae kone ajp faith/ belief
believe rula 1 v to believe kone rulape agaa the believer's creed kone rulae onaanu the believers kone rula v to believe neme Gote madaa kone rulayo I believe in God
believers kone rulae onaa np believers
bell bero 2 dial. var. belo n bell ; trumpet bero ta ring the bell eta nape bero lunch bell belo dial. var. of bero 2 n bell naare bero noontime
belt aako-lete NounC a belt lete n a belt Aako lete madaa atade His belt is on kapa lete a metal belt aako 3 2 n belt
bend koba pa 1 v to bend , fold ki kobapaa fold your hands
bend and break modo pea 2 1 unspec. var. palubia vp bend and break
bend down minaba 1 unspec. var. minaniaa v to bend down repena rugi ogedaa minaba bend the top of the tree down syn minaniaa
bend finger and point to someone's face as a sign of anger lobaina 1 v to bend finger and point to someone's face as a sign of anger
bend over pege pa 1 1 v to fold up/bend over rumu pege pa to bend the knees lapalapa pege pa fold up the clothes syn pege pa 2