roundrerewaa 1unspec. var. ofrerewaareadjcircular, roundrerewaareunspec. var.rerewaancircle, round, buttonmagomawaeadjroundmagomawae naakuparadown in a deep round holemagomawae repena egaaparain hell's firemaripeadjround, fullsogore ora adaa akua maripe ayanow the moon is full and roundderewaa 1nround like a buttonngaluadjround
round endmaakonthe corner of a house, round end of a men's house
rowkagena 1nrow as of a garden or ditchangenanrow/ditch, as of a gardenagenanrow, as of a garden, ditch
rubradepea 1vto rub ; washpeleta oto peaga radepeathe dishes are dirty so wash themsyndepea3kadepamoropea 4vto rubnena inipara namoropeape ne ini ora oyaliagadon't rub your eyes or you will make them badkuna 1vto rub, scrapeada oto paaga kuna; oto pea yae kuna rubathe house is dirty so clean it; clean the dirty things and throw them awaysynkadepakadepavto rub, scrapenena ini ota kadepearub the dirt from your eyessynkuna 1radepea 1kadepeavto rub, scrapemopo repena yogaene kadepeatear off the bark of that tree
rub onpepeminavto paint on ; spread on ; rub onrerepara marasini pepeminapaint medicine on the soresynradu pia