West Kewa - English
i 1 n 1 large tree variety, with lemon sized edible fruit and seeds gen repena 2 2 husks
i 2 v have, 1st sg perfect Niri buku meda nai I don't have another book wh ia
i bubu loti aa ajp fat man with tight skin Go aare nipuna yogane i bubu loti yade That man has skin that is tight around him. That man is fat.
i na ie supreme subjection, a saying to show extreme subjugation to someone i nalua I will eat (your) feces nena i nalua I will eat your feces
i rai puria peme ajp doubled over shuffle dance
ia wia ES v have, 3rd person sg perfect form mena sae ia to have a piece of pork agaa meda ia to have sme additonal talk pt i 2 gen sa 3 dial. var. of la
Iaro nprop river in EK area
iaa unspec. var. iyaa unspec. var. of iyaa unspec. var. of iaa
Ibirepa nprop small clan in WK
ibiri n abundant sweet potato vines
ibiri pa n fasten, as leaves to a wig or headband syn ibiri pia
ibiri pia v to fasten something as leaves on a wig go aare ora nipuna ada polalo paa pare neme ora ibiri piawa that man wanted to go to his house but I prevented it syn ibiri pa
ibu-ibu lo it ajp fat nipu epe eta adaapu noa ibu-ibu lo ti aya he eats well and is fat
idipia WS v to be hot syn liripia 2
idu pira vp to stop and rest
i-galagala NounC thorns, spikes Repena yari i gala-gala The yari tree has many thorns
igi pia unspec. var. lake ria 2 unspec. var. of lake ria 1