A simple entry has three parts. First is the Kewa headword in bold type. Second is the dialect(s) in which the word is found. Third is the definition in italic type which shows the meaning of the Kewa headword in English. Fourth is the grammatical part of speech which is shown in an abbreviated form in italic type. (See the List of Abbreviations where these are expanded). Fifth is an example sentence in bold italic, followed by the translation into Engliah in italic. Next is the generic form, and finally are one or more synonyms.
bakira WES softwood tree variety with lots of sap; sap used to soften pig's hair so it will pull out easily. n. repena lai madaa sape yaere repena bakira ipaa mealema the stuff we put on the top of a drum is sap from the bakira tree gen: repena₂ ; syn: wasa₂ .
See https://lugungu.webonary.org/dictionary-entries-explained/ for an example