Khaling - Nepali - English

इकikpronहामी, हामीलाइwe (incl.)
इक‍पोik‍poइक=our (inclusive)pronहाम्रोour, ours (incl.)इकपो खा़ल ब्रा वोङादे मुथोक्‍नु।Our Khaling language they do not understand elsewhere.
इका़ikäpronहामीलेwe (incl. agentive)
इक्‍ज्‍वामik‍jwaamnहाम्रो जात, थरKhaling name for Rai peopleइक्‍ज्‍वामगोबि घोले ब्राहा़म गो़नु।We Rai have many languages.
इचा़icäpronहामी दुर्इलेwe (dual agentive)
इचिicipronहामी दुर्इwe, us (dual incl.)
इचिपोicipopronहामी दुईकोour, ours (dual)
इनinDerइनआ़pronतपाई, तिमी, तँyou (sg.)Not used to address a person older than speaker, except between married couples and siblings.synइ=pres. ofइनपोRootइ=pres. ofइनपो
इनआ़inäpronतपाइँले, तिमीले, तैँलेyou (sg agentive)Derइन
इनपोinpopres.इ=your (sg)pronतिम्रोyour, yours (sg)
इना़inä disagreeablevनमिठो हुनुdisagreeable (be), bad, sadआगोङ उता़।I was sad.impersonal
इन्‌‍सिना़in‍sinäpres.इन्‌सिङाbe disagreeable (to oneself)vमन नमीठो हुनु, खिन्‍न हुनुfeel bad, disagreeableमायो मजो़सा मतुङ्सा ला़म्‌‍थिना़ मारि इन्‌सिङा।I dislike walking without food and drink.
इपा़ipäadjअप्रिय, नराम्रोundesirable, disagreeableवो़ मारि येखो ला़म्‌‍थिना़ङा चा़इ।To walk in heavy rain is disagreeable.सेक्‍सङ कुरुतालोम अलङ पा़ल इपा़ गोता़।When I carried firewood, my basket was heavy.अम ङा़लि इपा़ मु।He is a disagreeable person.forms adjectives with a preceding nominal or verbal stem
इस्‍कुसis‍kusnइस्‍कुस, करेलाa kind of squash ("chayote") common in South AsiaThe fruit has a prickly green skin, it is ripe in fall, keeps well. It is boiled whole or cut up and cooked as a vegetable. The leaves are cooked and eaten during summer. In winter, after the vine has dried up the root is dug out, partially cut and cooked as potatoesDoscerea alate
इस्‍पो़is‍pönमुसाratRattus norvegicus