इनinDerइनआ़pronतपाई, तिमी, तँyou (sg.)Not used to address a person older than speaker, except between married couples and siblings.synइ=pres. ofइनपोRootइ=pres. ofइनपो
इपा़ipäadjअप्रिय, नराम्रोundesirable, disagreeableवो़ मारि येखो ला़म्थिना़ङा चा़इ।To walk in heavy rain is disagreeable.सेक्सङ कुरुतालोम अलङ पा़ल इपा़ गोता़।When I carried firewood, my basket was heavy.अम ङा़लि इपा़ मु।He is a disagreeable person.forms adjectives with a preceding nominal or verbal stem
इस्कुसiskusnइस्कुस, करेलाa kind of squash ("chayote") common in South AsiaThe fruit has a prickly green skin, it is ripe in fall, keeps well. It is boiled whole or cut up and cooked as a vegetable. The leaves are cooked and eaten during summer. In winter, after the vine has dried up the root is dug out, partially cut and cooked as potatoesDoscerea alate