Khaling - Nepali - English

खइदेन्‌‍सिना़khaiden‌‍sinäpres.खइदेन्‌‍सिङाwork persistentlyvलागिपर्नुwork persistently, diligently, concentratedly
खइना़khainäpres.खन्‍दुstick, ram into the groundvगाड्‍नुstick, ram (into the ground), buryअउ फा़रबि लुङ खन्‍दु।By my field I erect a stone (idol).
खकोदिकोkhakodiko1advदुर्घटना, हानिhurt, wounded, damaged2adjअशुभinauspicious
खखर्‌मिमkhakharmimadjडोलो, गोलोround, circular
खन्‍ना़khan‍näpres.खत्‍तुtouch, rub againstv1रगड्‍नु, घोट्‍नु, छुनु, स्‍पर्श गर्नु, रगड्‍नु, घोट्‍नुtouch, rub, rub against, grate, scrubसेउ दमैआ़ खत्‍नुम जो़न्‍थो़क जो़सि मुनु़।After scrubbing the pots with ashes, we put them away.ता़र थो खत्‍ता़ना अम मिस्‍ता़।In the seventh year he died.का़प पु़युआ़ खैह्‌किना तो़कि।2कोर्नु, गोर्नुcomb, weed
*खन्‍ना़khanäpres.*ख‍तुauxसक्‍नुcompletive verb aspectजुङ्‍खता, तुङ्‍खता, आ़न कम ख्‍वाइङा।I have finished eating and drinking, now I go home.
खप्‍चुपेरkhap‍cuperखप्‍सुपेरnघर पछाडिको भागspace behind the house
खप्‍चुपेरkap‍cupernघर पछाडिको ठाउँspace behind the house, side of the house that is towards the hillside
खप्‌सिपा़khap‍sipäadjकसिनेtight (of clothes)
खबराङkhabaraangnसेतो भ्‍याकुरpoisonous yam
खमल्‌‍मिमkhamal‍mimadjनरम, कमलोsoft, tender
खमाkhamaaadvतिर, त्‍यतिapproximately (of time), about, aroundउसोमिना़ खमा होये।Come around evening.
खम्‍खमkham‍khamnकन्‍दनीstring wound around children's waistThis used to be done in the belief that they will not hurt their back.
खम्‌‍जो़ना़kham‍jönäpres.खिप्‍जङाvपकाएर खानुprepare and eat, eat the prepared food
खम्‌‍दिkham‍dinकसम, किरियाoath, vow
खम्‌दिमा़kham‌dimänकसम, भाकलoath, vow
खम्‌‍दिमा़ जो़ना़kham‍dimä jönäpres.खम्‌‍दिमा़ जङाmake an oathvpकसम खानुmake an oath, vow, sweararchaic, ritual